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Articoli della rivista «Studies in Church Law»
che sono stati inseriti nella Bibliografia Canonistica

Volume e Pagine Articolo Campo del diritto
14 (2019) 385-430Joseph, A., «Veracity of the Testimonies in Marriage Nullity Trials»Processi
14 (2019) 363-384Lourdusamy, S., «Letter and Spirit of the Amendments and Interpretations of Pope Francis in the Code of Canon Law»Studi generali
14 (2019) 305-362Alphonse Lezlie, M.R.A., «Right of Defence a conditio sine qua non. A Critical Evaluation in the light of Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus»Processi
14 (2019) 281-303Frank, E., «Magnum principium: Canonical Reform Liturgical Reform»Munus sanctificandi
14 (2019) 259-280Sabbarese, L., «Structure of the Economic Guidelines at the Service of Charism and Mission and Canonical Indications»Vita Consacrata / Beni Temporali
14 (2019) 227-258Morrisey, F.G, «New Directives from the Holy See on the Administration of Temporal Goods for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life»Vita Consacrata / Beni Temporali
14 (2019) 201-226Nkouaya Mbandji, V., «The Sexual Abuse of Minors Committed by Members of the Church from the Perspective of International Criminal Law»Diritto ecclesiastico / Delitti e Pene
14 (2019) 89-199Amalraj, I., «The Canonical Obligation of Conscience Formation for the Administration of Justice in the Light of Canon 1608 §3: Ex sua conscientia»Processi
14 (2019) 37-87Renken, J.A., «Safeguarding God's People as a Synodal Church. Reflections after the Vatican Summit on the Protection of Minors, 21-24 February 2019»Delitti e Pene
12 (2017) 215-227Koluthara, V., «The 1917 Pio-Benedictine Code of Canon Law and the Oriental Churches»Storia del diritto
12 (2017) 199-213Savarimuthu, A., «Codification of Codex Iuris Canonici 1917»Storia del diritto
12 (2017) 175-187Antonysamy, G., «Diplomatic Service in the Church from the Old Code to the Present Legislation. Its Nature, Development and Objectives»Costituzione gerarchica / Diritto ecclesiastico
12 (2017) 145-173Lourdusamy, S. — Joseph, A.J., «Temporal Goods of the Church for the Religious and Charitable Activities in India. Side Lights in Civil Ecclesiastical Law»Beni Temporali
12 (2017) 123-144Savarimuthu, A., «The Collaboration of Canon Law and Civil Law in Contract and Alienation»Beni Temporali / Diritto ecclesiastico
12 (2017) 75-122Susai, P.R., «Significance and Implementation of the Diocesan Synod»Chiesa particolare
12 (2017) 29-74Sabbarese, L., «The Concordance between the Codes regarding Constant Care of the Church»Studi generali
11 (2016) 203-228Selvan Antony, A., «The Presbyteral Council. A Representative and Collaborative Organ Between Bishop and His Priests»Chiesa particolare
11 (2016) 121-142Lourdusamy, S., «Justice and Mercy. A Canonical Perspective»Studi generali
11 (2016) 91-119Pinto, S., «Diocesan Bishop in a Mission Territory. A Canonical Perspective»Chiesa particolare
11 (2016) 57-89Durand, J.-P., «Perpetuating Social and Medico-social Institutions Founded and Handed over by Religious Institutes»Vita Consacrata
11 (2016) 35-55Sabbarese, L., «Episcopal, Priestly and Diaconal Ordination: Three Separate Sacraments? Catholic Viewpoint»Ordine sacro
9 (2013) 423-432Mendonça, A., «Consequences of Not Using an Expert in a Marriage Nullity Case»Processi
9 (2013) 407-422D'Souza, V.G., «Academic Qualification for Tribunal Ministers: From Expertise to Academic Degrees?»Processi
9 (2013) 399-406Mendonça, A., «Where Do We Start Again when a First Instance Sentence has been Declared 'Irremediably Null'?»Processi
9 (2013) 385-398D'Souza, V.G., «Delegating a Deacon to Bless the Marriage of a Latin and an Eastern Catholic»Matrimonio
9 (2013) 373-384Mendonça, A., «Ipso iure Incardination of a Cleric sede vacante»Chiesa particolare
9 (2013) 359-372D'Souza, V.G., «On the Selection and Appointment of a Diocesan Bishop»Costituzione gerarchica
9 (2013) 189-234Mendonça, A., «The Effects of Child Abuse / Neglect on Marital Consent»Matrimonio
9 (2013) 153-188Omorogbe, E.N., «An Examination of the Sacrament of Penance in the Light of the Year of Faith»Riconciliazione
9 (2013) 123-152Renken, J.A., «Canonical Challenges in Caring for Parish Property»Chiesa particolare
9 (2013) 91-122Morrisey, F.G., «Selected Canonical and Civil Issues Facing Religious Institutes Today»Vita Consacrata
9 (2013) 71-89Burke, R.L., «Ongoing Challenges in the Administration of Justice»Processi
8 (2012) 431-446Mendonça, A., «May a Diocesan Administrator sede vacante Sign a Long Term Lease on a Piece of Valuable Property Belonging to the Diocese?»Chiesa particolare / Beni Temporali
8 (2012) 417-429Mendonça, A., «The Competence of a Diocesan Bishop to Issue a Directive Permitting the Use of Alternative Version of the Lord's Prayer»Munus sanctificandi
8 (2012) 407-416Mendonça, A., «What Procedure is to be Followed When All Members of a Public Clerical Association of the diocesan Right Decide to Found a New Religious Institute in Another Diocese?»Vita Consacrata / Chiesa particolare
8 (2012) 247-278Renken, J.A., «Metropolitans in the Latin Church»Chiesa particolare
8 (2012) 175-246Mendonça, A., «Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on Procedural Irregularities Amounting to Nullity of a Decision, II»Processi
8 (2012) 141-174McDermott, R., «The Vigilance of the Diocesan or Eparchial Bishop. Diocesan / Eparchial Right Institutes / Sui iuris Monasteris / Hermits / Ascetics / Virgins / Widows»Vita Consacrata / Chiesa particolare
8 (2012) 115-139Nobel, M., «The Life Span of a Trial»Processi
8 (2012) 87-114Green, Th.J., «Penal Law. An Eastern Perspective (CCEO 1401-1487)»Delitti e Pene
8 (2012) 31-85Glendinning, C.J., «The Preparation and Translation of Liturgical Texts. Juridical Perspectives»Munus sanctificandi
7 (2011) 433-441D'Souza, V.G., «Priest after the Sex Change Surgery: Male to Female?»Ministri Sacri
7 (2011) 427-432Mendonça, A., «Submission of a Marriage Nullity Cause to the Same First Instance Tribunal after a Non-appealed Negative Decision»Processi
7 (2011) 417-425D'Souza, V.G., «Mentioning the Diocesan Bishop in the Eucharistic Prayer»Eucaristia
7 (2011) 411-416Mendonça, A., «Unlawful Use of Money Offered for the Celebration of Mass!»Eucaristia
7 (2011) 183-240Mendonça, A., «Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on Procedural Irregularities Amounting to Nullity of a Decision. I»Processi
7 (2011) 171-182Nobel, M., «Persona standi in iudicio»Processi
7 (2011) 139-170Renken, J.A., «Parishes in the Latin and Eastern Codes. A Comparative Study»Chiesa particolare
7 (2011) 113-138Huels, J.M., «The Responses Owed by the Faithful to the Authentic Magisterium of the Church»Munus docendi
7 (2011) 85-112Robitaille, L., «The Temporary Exclusion of the bonum prolis»Matrimonio
7 (2011) 47-84Abbass, J., «The Eucharist. A Comparative Study of the Eastern and Latin Codes»Eucaristia
5 (2009) 297-362Mendonça, A., «Defective Consent in the Convalidation of a Marriage Null due to Lack of Canonical Form»Matrimonio
5 (2009) 277-296Renken, J.A., «The 2009 Special Faculties Conceded by Pope Benedict XVI to Address Serious Clergy Issues: A Brief Commentary»Ministri Sacri / Delitti e Pene
5 (2009) 257-276D'Souza, V.G., «On the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Code of Canon Law . A Reflection on Its Impact on the Church in India»Studi generali
5 (2009) 225-256Robitaille, L., «Marriage Preparation from the Perspective of the Chancery and the Tribunal»Matrimonio
5 (2009) 201-224McDermott, R., «The Role of Councils in Religious Institutes: Code of Canon Law and Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches»Vita Consacrata
5 (2009) 173-200Sheridan, S.O., «Selected Canonical Issues Regarding Catholic Universities and Institutes of Higher Studies: Some Comparative Reflections on the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and the Code of Canon Law and Ex corde Ecclesiae»Munus docendi
5 (2009) 119-172Daniel, W.L., «The Strictly Judicial Function of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura»Processi
5 (2009) 79-118Renken, J.A., «Temporal Goods in the Latin and Eastern Codes: A Comparative Study»Beni Temporali
3 (2007) 445-449Mendonça, A., «Denial of the Right of Defence»Processi
3 (2007) 437-443D'Souza, V.G., «A Question of Compatibility of Adoption of Children by Priests with their Commitment to Celibacy»Ministri Sacri
3 (2007) 425-435Mendonça, A., «Dismissal of a Religious from the Religious Institute for the Delict of Abortion»Vita Consacrata
3 (2007) 327-349Chiramel, J., «Sacraments of Initiation in the Latin and Eastern Codes: A Comparative Study»Sacramenti in generale
3 (2007) 307-325Sabbarese, L., «Faith, Intention and Sacramental Dignity in Marriages among the Baptized»Matrimonio
3 (2007) 273-306D'Souza, V.G., «The Parochial Vicar: A Subaltern Figure in the Parish?»Chiesa particolare
3 (2007) 241-272Kaslyn, R.J., «Two Incardination Processes: Initial and Subsequent Alteration»Ministri Sacri
3 (2007) 129-239Mendonça, A., «A Doctrinal and Jurisprudential Approach to the Ground of Determining Error»Matrimonio
3 (2007) 95-128McDermott, R., «Stewards of Gifts to be Shared: The Vow of Poverty in Religious Life»Vita Consacrata
3 (2007) 73-94Morrisey, F.G., «Some Challenges Canonists would have to Face in the Near Future»Studi generali
3 (2007) 53-71Boccafola, K., «Reflections of a Rotal Auditor on the Bonum Coniugum»Matrimonio