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Articoli della rivista «Studia Canonica»
che sono stati inseriti nella Bibliografia Canonistica

Volume e Pagine Articolo Campo del diritto
57 (2023) 263-294Billing, R., «Cultivating Synodality in the Particular Church»Chiesa particolare
57 (2023) 245-261Dadosky, J., «The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Insights from Örsy and Lonergan»Teologia del diritto
57 (2023) 229-244Ekpo, A., «Ecclesiastical Goods at the Service of Ecclesial Communion»Beni Temporali
57 (2023) 171-228Llobell, J., «Due Process and the "Administrativization" of the Canonical Penal Procedure»Processi
57 (2023) 145-170Mazza, M.J., «Protecting the Right to Reputation»I fedeli in genere
57 (2023) 129-144McCaig, S., «Governance and Pastoral Care in the Military Ordinariate of Canada and Church-State Relations»Chiesa particolare / Diritto ecclesiastico
57 (2023) 99-128Milligan, Ph.G., «Freedom of Association, Ecclesial Communio, and the Discernment of Charisms»Associazioni Ecclesiali
57 (2023) 81-98Muropa, C., «Personnel Files, Confidentiality, and the Right to Privacy»I fedeli in genere
57 (2023) 51-80Nobel, M.-A., «Canon 220 and Data Protection: Applicability and Regulatory Matter of the Church? An Approach of the German Bishops' Conference»I fedeli in genere
57 (2023) 23-49Pagé, R., «Églises particulières: questions choisies»Chiesa particolare
56 (2022) 691-707Borras, A., «The Call to Synodal Conversion»Teologia del diritto
56 (2022) 671-689Sedgwick, P., «Accountability in a Synodal Church: Theology and Structures Governing the Anglican Practices»Teologia del diritto
56 (2022) 645-669Glendinning, Ch.J., «Structures of Accountability in the Parish and Diocese: Lessons Learned in North America and Possibilities for Reform»Chiesa particolare
56 (2022) 605-627Faris, J.D., «The Role of Consultation in Eparchial Governance»Chiesa particolare
56 (2022) 529-546Tirimanna, V., «A Distorted Interpretation of the Concept of Obedience and Its Effects on Clericalism and Accountability»Teologia del diritto / Vita Consacrata
56 (2022) 493-508Kaptijn, A., «Charisms as Mediation between Baptism and Ministries in the Church: Ecclesiological and Canonical Perspectives»Teologia del diritto
56 (2022) 493-508Luciani, R., «Towards A Co-Responsible Accountable Bond of the Episcopal Exercise in the Light of the Sensus fidelium of the Whole People of God»Chiesa particolare / I fedeli in genere
56 (2022) 471-491De Mey, P., «Searching for Traces of an Accountable Church during the Long Preparation of the Conciliar Documents»Ministri Sacri / Fedeli Laici
56 (2022) 441-470Noceti, S., «In persona Christi: Limits and Potential of an Espressione abusata»Ministri Sacri
56 (2022) 413-439Wijlens, M., «Synodality Implies Accountability. Accountability Requires a Synodal Church: A Theological Reflection with Canonical Implications»Teologia del diritto
56 (2022) 395-412Schickendantz, C., «"The Bishop is Never Seen as Accountable before His Church". Accountability as an "Iconic Manifestation of Good Governance"»Chiesa particolare
56 (2022) 379-393Moons, J., «Synodality and Discernment: The Affective Reconfiguration of the Church»Teologia del diritto
56 (2022) 369-377Duffy, E. — Wijlens, M., «Accountability in a Synodal Church: An Introduction to the Research Project of the Peter and Paul Seminar»Teologia del diritto
55 (2021) 637-654Torfs, R., «The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law under the Pontificate of Francis»Teologia del diritto
55 (2021) 617-635Robitaille, L., «A Turning Point in Clergy/Laity Roles in the Church?»Fedeli Laici / Ministri Sacri
55 (2021) 601-616Riondino, M., «Thirty Years of the Apostolic Constitution Ex corde Ecclesiae. A Canonical Overview and Future Prospects»Munus docendi
55 (2021) 553-599Renken, J.A., «Vademecum on Certain Points of Procedure in Treating Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors Committed by Clerics. Canonical Reflections»Delitti e Pene
55 (2021) 535-551Pagé, R., «L'Oikonomia et le chapitre VIII de l'exhortation apostolique Amoris laetitia»Eucaristia
55 (2021) 511-534Nobel, M.-A., «The Submission of a libellus by a Procurator in a Marital Nullity Process»Processi
55 (2021) 477-510Mbandji, V.N., «La répression de la pédopornographie en droit canonique, en droit criminel canadien et dans les instruments juridiques internationaux»Delitti e Pene / Diritto ecclesiastico
55 (2021) 463-476MacLellan, B., «Associations of the Faithful and Diocesan Religious Institutes»Vita Consacrata / Associazioni Ecclesiali
55 (2021) 425-462Kowal, W., «Celerity of Marriage Nullity Processes and the Mandatory Review of Judgments Declaring the Nullity of a Marriage»Processi
55 (2021) 405-423Jenkins, R.E., «Schmalzgrueber's ConsiliumLXXIII as a Case Study in the Canon Law of Rebaptism»Battesimo
55 (2021) 367-403Huels, J.M., «Legislative Acts and Document Forms of the Apostolic See»Norme generali
55 (2021) 341-365Glendinning, Ch.J., «Ministers of Divine Justice and Mercy. Juridical Considerations on the Role of Confessors and the Sacrament of Penance»Riconciliazione
55 (2021) 319-339Euart, Sh., «Ministerial Public Juridic Person Model for Canonical Governance»Norme generali
55 (2021) 289-317Dunn, B..J., «The Office of Coadjutor Bishop»Chiesa particolare
55 (2021) 275-288Demasure, K., «Vulnerability of Women Religious in the Context of Abuse»Vita Consacrata / Delitti e Pene
55 (2021) 245-274Daly, B.P., «Response of the Holy See to the Australian Royal Commission Final Report»Delitti e Pene
55 (2021) 209-243Connolly, P., «Oikonomia and Remarriage in the Orthodox Tradition. A Pastoral Solution for the Catholic Church?»Matrimonio
55 (2021) 195-207Bradley, J., «Salus animarum. Some examples of the Administration of Viaticum to Plague Victims in the Post-Tridentine Period»Eucaristia
55 (2021) 169-194Beal, J.P., «Charism, Mission, and Canon Law: Management as Ministry»Vita Consacrata / Beni Temporali
55 (2021) 147-167Bauer, N., «The Lenghtening Duration of Initial Formation in Religious Institutes. Histocial-Canonical Overview»Vita Consacrata
55 (2021) 103-145Austin, B.T., «Prescription of Criminal Action in the ius vigens. Praxis»Delitti e Pene
55 (2021) 75-102Asselin, A., «The Ministry of Sponsorship and Its Duty of Accountability»Studi generali
55 (2021) 57-74Arrieta, J.I., «The Juridical System of the Vatican City State»Diritto ecclesiastico
54 (2020) 623-683Nobel, M.-A., «L'enquête préliminaire dans les procédures de nullité de mariage»Processi
54 (2020) 579-621Nkouaya Mbandji, V., «Le pape François et la crise des abus sexuels. La poursuite de la réforme du droit pénal canonique»Delitti e Pene
54 (2020) 525-578Lee, J., «The Use of a "Lie Detector" in Investigations of Clergy. Canonical and Socio-Legal Implications»Delitti e Pene
54 (2020) 511-524Laschuk, A.M., «Adscription to a sui iuris Church»I fedeli in genere
54 (2020) 495-509Ky-Zerbo, A., «La notion d'"Église pleinement constituée"»Chiesa particolare
54 (2020) 475-493Huels, J.M., «The CDF Responses on the Baptismal Formula "We Baptize You". Text and Comment»Battesimo
54 (2020) 457-474Hahn, J., «Communion in an Online Mass? Sacramental Questions in Light of the COVID Crisis»Eucaristia
54 (2020) 407-455Daniel, W.L., «Dicasterial Sources Supplemental to the Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex (2015-2020)»Processi
54 (2020) 387-405Berthe, P.-M., «Le sacrement de la pénitence dans le magistère de François. Réflexions pastorales sur quelques dispositions canoniques»Riconciliazione
54 (2020) 343-385Austin, B.T., «Prescription of Criminal Action in the Ius Vigens. Theory and Disputed Questions»Delitti e Pene
54 (2020) 291-322Becket Soule, W., «Bishops and the Loss of the Clerical State»Ministri Sacri / Delitti e Pene
54 (2020) 265-290Rudinskas, A., «The Procedure for Administrative Recourse. A Comparative Study of the Latin and Eastern Codes»Processi
54 (2020) 221-264Renken, J.A., «The Canonical Rights of Those Accused of the Delict of Sexual Abuse»Delitti e Pene
54 (2020) 181-219Mbandji, V.N., «L'enquête préliminaire dans la procédure pénale canonique»Processi
54 (2020) 167-179Mensah, J.-C.A.K., «Réformer les indulgences. Tentatives du pape Paul VI»Riconciliazione
54 (2020) 133-166MacLellan, B., «The Restructuring of Religious Institutes in the Current Reality»Vita Consacrata
54 (2020) 121-131Laschuk, A.M., «Amor coniugalis in Rotal Jurisprudence»Matrimonio
54 (2020) 91-120Huels, J.M., «The Valid Admission of a Godparent in Light of Canon 124 §1»Norme generali / Battesimo
54 (2020) 79-89Glyn, J., «Administrative Justice in the Particular Church»Norme generali
54 (2020) 47-78Bosso, A.P.-J., «Note sur le concept et l'utilité de la sentence canonique»Processi
54 (2020) 31-45Bloomquist, L.G., «The Legal Art of Irnerius: the Hermeneutics Behind the Medieval Renaissance of Roman Law»Storia del diritto
54 (2020) 5-29Austin, B.T., «Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege. The Principle of Penal Legality in the ius vigens»Delitti e Pene
53 (2019) 627-658Renken, J.A., «Vos estis lux mundi. The Evolution of the Church's Response to Sexual Abuse and Its Cover-up After the Vatican Summit»Delitti e Pene
53 (2019) 603-625Paprocki, T.J., «Confronting the Myths and Realities of Clerical Sexual Abuse of Minors in the Catholic Church»Ministri Sacri / Delitti e Pene
53 (2019) 561-601Nkouaya Mbandji, V., «L'instruction d'une cause pénale»Processi
53 (2019) 481-560Le Tourneau, D., «Étude thématique des dispositions canoniques prises par les conciles réunis sous l'influence de saint Césaire d'Arles, de 506 à 541, et de leurs prolongements»Storia del diritto
53 (2019) 467-479Laschuk, A.M., «Reflections on Clerical Concubinage»Ministri Sacri
53 (2019) 431-447Jakubiak, T., «Is Canon 874 a Disqualifying Law?»Battesimo
53 (2019) 369-429Daniel, W.L., «The Principle of Collegiality in the Exercise of Judicial Power in the Church»Processi
53 (2019) 347-367Berthe, P.-M., «La fin de la commission pontificale Ecclesia Dei: une décision au service de l'unité catholique»Costituzione gerarchica
53 (2019) 297-315Clifford, C.E., «Diverse Structures and Procedures for the Exercise of the Teaching Office Anglican-Catholic. Ecumenical Learning»Munus docendi
53 (2019) 265-296Szabó, P., «Episcopal Conferences. Particular Councils, and the Renewal of Inter-Diocesan "Deliberative Synodality"»Chiesa particolare
53 (2019) 233-263Kaptijn, A., «Exercising Teaching Authority in the Eastern Catholic. Patriarchal Churches»Munus docendi
53 (2019) 209-231Hachem, G., «Unité et diversité dans l'Église. Une réflexion théologique sur l'autorité d'enseignement en Orient»Chiesa particolare / Teologia del diritto
53 (2019) 183-208Luciani, R., «Medellín as Synodal Event: the Genesis and Development of a Collegial Ecclesiality»Costituzione gerarchica / Teologia del diritto
53 (2019) 165-182Routhier, G., «Penser l'autorité des conférences épiscopales à la lumière de la catholicité de l'Église et de l'inculturation de l'Évangile»Chiesa particolare
53 (2019) 127-164De Mey, P., «The Actors Involved in the Exercise of the Prophetic Office in the Church. The Common Message of Lumen Gentium 12, Lumen Gentium 25, and Dei Verbum 7-10»Munus docendi
53 (2019) 75-105Wijlens, M., «Representation and Witnessing in Synodal Structures. Rethinking the Munus Docendi of Episcopal Conferences in Light of Communio Fidelium, Communio Ecclesiarum and Communio Episcoporum»Chiesa particolare / Munus docendi
53 (2019) 53-74Duffy, E., «Diversity in Teaching by Episcopal Conferences. Some Positive Considerations»Chiesa particolare / Munus docendi
53 (2019) 33-52Witte, H., «The Impact of Digitalization on Ecclesial Processes of Synodality and Discernment»Chiesa particolare
53 (2019) 15-32Ndongala Maduku, I., «Clès futures d'une Église mondiale aujourd'hui: défis pour la mission et l'enseignement de l'Église»Studi generali
53 (2019) 7-13Duffy, E. — Wijlens, M., «General Introduction. Diversity and Unity: Rethinking the Teaching Office of the Episcopal Conference in a Worldwide Church. A Study Project by the Peter and Paul Seminar»Munus docendi / Chiesa particolare
52 (2018) 593-626Renken, J.A., «The Management of Church Property in a Synodal Church. Towards Eliminating Financial Misconduct»Beni Temporali
52 (2018) 541-592Sagar Maddineni, S.Ch., «Implicit Rights of the Faithful in Book III of the Code of Canon Law»I fedeli in genere / Munus docendi
52 (2018) 509-540Kaleta, P. — Morrisey, F.G, «Sponsorship of Catholic Health Care and Other Apostolic Works in the Church. Legal and Practical Aspects»Diritto ecclesiastico
52 (2018) 491-508Jakubiak, T., «The Founded Hope that an Infant will be Brought up in the Catholic Religion as a Condition for Baptism»Battesimo
52 (2018) 471-490Huels, J.M., «Veritatis gaudium and the Canon Law on Ecclesiastical Universities»Munus docendi
52 (2018) 443-469Glendinning, C.J., «Pastoral Conversion and the Exercise of Authority in the Church. An Examination of Pope Francis's Criteria for the Reform of Ecclesiastical Structures»Costituzione gerarchica / Studi generali
52 (2018) 407-441Daniel, W.L., «The Universality of the Ordo Iudiciarius of the Church»Processi
52 (2018) 375-405Charbonneau, L., «Le suicide assisté (euthanasie) et l'accès aux sacrements. Considérations canoniques et pastorales»Sacramenti in generale
52 (2018) 331-374Camirand, D., «Le secret des délibérations du jury et du conclave»Studi generali
52 (2018) 319-329Brown, Ph.J., «The Right of Defense and Due Process: Fulcrum of Justice, Heart of Law»Processi
52 (2018) 283-317Bosso, A.P., «La certitude morale dans le processus brevior: nouvelle dynamique ou constance de la doctrine canonique?»Processi
52 (2018) 223-253Pham, B., «Catholic Institutions and Chapter 11 Reorganization Bankruptcy, USA Civil Law and Canonical Considerations»Diritto ecclesiastico
52 (2018) 205-222Petit, E., «Amoris Laetitia et la notion de gradualité. La doctrine canonique en faveur de la logique d'intégration»Matrimonio
52 (2018) 159-203Lusabe, L.N., «Evolution of Participative Structures within the Particular Church since the Time of Vatican II»Chiesa particolare
52 (2018) 139-157Le Tourneau, D., «Les censeurs pour la publication d'ouvrages et le respect des droits fondamentaux des fidèles (can. 830 CIC)»Munus docendi
52 (2018) 103-138Glyn, J.E.A., «The Right to Administrative Justice in Religious Institutes»Vita Consacrata / Processi / Norme generali
52 (2018) 81-101Foster, J.J.M., «Canon 838 §2 and the Adaptation of Liturgical Books after the Motu Proprio Magnum Principium»Munus sanctificandi
52 (2018) 45-80Bauer, N., «The Religious Habit in Church Law from 1917 to the Present»Vita Consacrata
52 (2018) 5-44Renken, J.A., «Synodality. A Constitutive Element of the Church. Reflections on Pope Francis and Synodality»Costituzione gerarchica
51 (2017) 611-620Becket Soule, W., «The Canonical Status of an Ordinary Emeritus»Chiesa particolare
51 (2017) 581-609Rosinski, M.F., «Mercy and Due Process in Religious Institutes»Vita Consacrata / Delitti e Pene
51 (2017) 551-580Pham, B.V., «Public Juridic Persons and Chapter 11 Reorganization Bankruptcy»Beni Temporali
51 (2017) 529-549Laschuk, A.M., «Mitis Iudex and the Conversion of Ecclesiastical Structures»Processi
51 (2017) 497-527Lohse, E., «The Right of the Faithful to Enter a Church for the Offering of Divine Worship»I fedeli in genere / Studi generali
51 (2017) 471-496Dunn, B., «The Merger of Parishes and the Closure of Churches. Lessons Learned form a Bishop's Perspective»Chiesa particolare / I luoghi sacri
51 (2017) 441-470Doktorczyk, S.S., «Obstinate Persistence in Doctrinal Error. The Delicts of Canon 1371, 1°»Delitti e Pene
51 (2017) 391-439Awiti, M.R.A., «Formation during the Period of Temporary Vows. According to the 1983 Code and the Subsequent Holy See Documents»Vita Consacrata
51 (2017) 357-389Alesandro, J.A., «One Hundred Years since the 1917 Code of Canon Law»Storia del diritto
51 (2017) 323-355Abbass, J., «De Concordia inter Codices. Vers une harmonisation entre le code latin et le code oriental»Studi generali
51 (2017) 251-262Saint-Louis, E., «Les enjeux canoniques et pastoraux dans la nomination d'un administrateur apostolique dans un diocèse»Chiesa particolare
51 (2017) 207-250Marcello, A.P., III, «The Computation of Time. A Canonical Overview»Norme generali
51 (2017) 181-205Laschuk, A.M., «Participation of Eastern Hierarchs in Conferences of Bishops»Chiesa particolare
51 (2017) 149-179Grassmann, A.E., «The Latin Ordinariates for the Faithful of the Eastern Rites. Genesis, Constitutional Positioning and Exposition of the Current Situation»Chiesa particolare
51 (2017) 135-148Connolly, P., «The Concept of Scandal in a Changed Ecclesial Context»Studi generali
51 (2017) 113-134Borras, A., «La paroisse et les associations de fidèles à l'heure du pape François»Associazioni Ecclesiali / Chiesa particolare
51 (2017) 89-111Balog, M., «Famille ecclésiale de vie consacrée. Une nouvelle forme d'institut de vie consacrée»Vita Consacrata
51 (2017) 55-87Austin, B.T., «Due Process of Law and the USCCB Essential Norms»Processi
51 (2017) 25-54Abbass, J., «Setting Limits on the Application of the Eastern Code to the Latin Church»Studi generali
51 (2017) 5-24Asselin, A., «Les structures diocésaines et paroissiales. Pour un ministère de justice et de compassion?»Chiesa particolare
50 (2016) 531-544Szuromi, S.A., «An Historical Sketch of Principal Developments in the Canon Law on Temporal Goods»Beni Temporali / Storia del diritto
50 (2016) 519-530Renken, J.A., «Acts of the Church in Relation to Temporal Goods. The Ordinary and the Extraordinary»Beni Temporali
50 (2016) 503-517Michowicz, P., «Révision des constitutions. Méthodologie et travaux pratiques»Vita Consacrata
50 (2016) 485-502Lorusso, L. — Gallaro, G., «Divorced and Remarried in the Eastern Orthodox Churches»Matrimonio
50 (2016) 453-483Labrèche, Ch., «Le droit particulier de l'Église au Canada, de ses origines (1658) au Concile Vatican II (1962-1965)»Chiesa particolare
50 (2016) 383-452Daniel, W.L., «The appellatio mere dilatoria in Causes of Nullity of Marriage. A Contribution to the General Theory of the Appeal against a Definitive Sentence»Processi
50 (2016) 359-382Bauer, N., «Profession by votum or by vinculum? Is One Bond Better than Another?»Vita Consacrata
50 (2016) 347-358Acotchou, G., «Notes sur la dérogation du c. 579. Rescrit Ex Audientia (11 mai 2016)»Vita Consacrata
50 (2016) 323-345Abbass, J., «De concordia inter Codices. A Commentary»Studi generali
50 (2016) 291-322Martens, K., «La réforme de la Curie romaine au service de la nouvelle évangélisation»Costituzione gerarchica
50 (2016) 277-289Paprocki, T.J., «The Chancellor as Minister of Administrative Justice»Processi / Chiesa particolare
50 (2016) 175-247Daniel, W.L., «The Singular Administrative Act in Canon Law»Norme generali
50 (2016) 165-174Balog, M., «Charisme fondateur»Vita Consacrata
50 (2016) 145-163Huels, J.M., «Canonical Notes on the Pontifical Precepts on Married Eastern Clergy»Ministri Sacri
50 (2016) 95-143Renken, J.A., «Penal Law. A Realization of the Misericordiae Vultus Ecclesiae»Delitti e Pene
50 (2016) 31-93Abbass, J., «Le code oriental et l'Église latine»Studi generali
50 (2016) 5-29Green, Th.J., «Initial Reflections on the "Schema Recognitionis Libri VI Codicis Iuris Canonici"»Delitti e Pene
49 (2015) 643-660Szuromi, S.A., «Canon Law Historical Background of Categories of the Canonical Singular Administrative Acts»Storia del diritto / Norme generali
49 (2015) 613-642Robitaille, L., «The Formulation of the Doubt. The Essential Link between First and Second instance Decisions»Processi
49 (2015) 577-596Renken, J.A., «Acts of Extraordinary Administration of Ecclesiastical Goods in Book V of the CIC»Beni Temporali
49 (2015) 555-574Recchi, S., «L'activité législative des conférences épiscopales. Les normes complémentaires au Cameroun»Chiesa particolare
49 (2015) 529-554Morrisey, F.G, «Planning for the Demise or Diminishment of Canadian Religious Institutes. Canonical Issues»Vita Consacrata
49 (2015) 501-527Martens, K., «"Quod superest date pauperibus". Incardination of Clerics and a Better Distribution of Clergy as a Road to Personal Prelatures?»Chiesa particolare
49 (2015) 483-500Lourdusamy, S., «Canonical Perspective on Social Justice and Charity»I fedeli in genere
49 (2015) 443-482Le Tourneau, D., «Les droits et les devoirs fondamentaux de la femme dans l'Église»I fedeli in genere
49 (2015) 411-441Kowal, W., «The Non-Admission of the divorced and Remarried Persons to Holy Communion. Canon 915 Revisited»Matrimonio / Eucaristia
49 (2015) 379-410Kaslyn, R.J., «Canon 290 and Loss of the Clerical State»Ministri Sacri
49 (2015) 357-378Joubert, Th., «L'élection épiscopale dans le dècret de Gratien. Un exemple de tradition canonique»Storia del diritto
49 (2015) 309-331Huels, J.M., «Acts with a Juridic Effect in the Canons on Marriage»Norme generali
49 (2015) 263-274Durand, J.-P., «Radiation civile de mention canonique de baptême»Studi generali
49 (2015) 229-261Dunn, B., «The Regulation of Concelebration by the Diocesan Bishop»Eucaristia
49 (2015) 161-204Doe, N., «Comparative Church Law. Toward the Category of Christian Law»Studi generali
49 (2015) 139-160Demasure, K. — Maisha, B.M., «Abus sexuel des enfants. Péché ou pathologie? Une réflexion interdisciplinaire sur la question»Delitti e Pene
49 (2015) 111-138Borras, A., «L'évêque diocésain, son conseil épiscopal et le conseil presbytéral au service du gouvernement du diocèse»Chiesa particolare
49 (2015) 89-109Basdevant-Gaudemet, B., «La création du droit dans l'enracinement au passé grâce aux collections canoniques. Réflexions sur la formation du droit canonique»Storia del diritto
49 (2015) 59-87Abbass, J., «A Legislative History of Eastern Canons 584-594 on Evangelization»Munus docendi
49 (2015) 29-58Asselin, A., «Les propositions finales dy synode des évêques sur la nouvelle évangélisation. Questions canoniques et voies d'avenir»Munus docendi
48 (2014) 531-547Viejo-Ximénez, J.M., «The Origins of the Science of Canon Law. Gratian and the Inartificiosa Eloquentia»Storia del diritto
48 (2014) 493-530St. Louis Sanchez, A., «Separation of Spouses "Propria Auctoritate" and the Nature of Ecclesiastical Intervention»Matrimonio
48 (2014) 467-491Peters, E.N., «Toward Reform of the First Criterion for Admission to the Order of Virgins»Vita Consacrata
48 (2014) 411-466Lyimo, P., «Evangelization in a Polygamous Society. Canonical and Pastoral Approaches»Munus docendi
48 (2014) 373-410Hansen, F., «The Threefold Power of Governance»Costituzione gerarchica
48 (2014) 331-372Glendinning, C.J., «The Priestly Society of Saint Pius X. The Past, Present, and Possibilities for the Future»Studi generali
48 (2014) 301-329Gillespie, K., «The Special Faculties Granted to the Congregation for the Clergy: For the Salvation of Souls and the Good Order of the Ecclesiastical Community. Context, Purpose, and Use»Costituzione gerarchica
48 (2014) 203-233Renken, J.A., «Pope Francis and Participative Bodies in the Church. Canonical Reflections»Chiesa particolare
48 (2014) 189-202Murray, D., «With All Your Heart»Studi generali
48 (2014) 171-188Michowicz, P., «Legal Difficulties and / or Impossibility of Concerning New Forms of Consecrated Life»Vita Consacrata
48 (2014) 151-169Gallaro, G.D., «Christian Oikonomia Revisited»Matrimonio
48 (2014) 129-149Easton, F.C., «The Development of CIC Canon 1342 §1 and Its Impact upon the Use of the Extra-Judicial Penal Process»Delitti e Pene / Processi
48 (2014) 101-127Dion, M., «Le pouvoir de gouvernement et le diacre»Costituzione gerarchica / Ordine sacro
48 (2014) 5-100Daniel, W., «The Nullity of the Definitive Sentence in the Jurisprudence of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota»Processi
47 (2013) 467-478Szuromi, S.A., «The Paleo-Christian Caracteristics of the Catholic Priesthood and Their Effect on Medieval (9th-12th Century) Structures of Priestly Formation»Storia del diritto
47 (2013) 407-466Le Tourneau, D., «Le canon 213 sur le droit aux biens spirituels et ses conséquences sur les droits et les devoirs fondamentaux dans l'église»I fedeli in genere
47 (2013) 361-405Abbass, J., «L'incidence sur l'église latine des canons 29-38 du CCEO traitant de l'inscription»Studi generali / Chiesa particolare
47 (2013) 341-360Asselin, A., «Les ministres ecclésiaux laïcs et la révocation de leur office: en quête de justice et d'équité»Chiesa particolare / Fedeli Laici
47 (2013) 295-339Alesandro, J.A., «Removal from the Clerical State for the Sexual Abuse of Minors»Delitti e Pene
47 (2013) 183-206Kowal, W., «Twenty Years after the Promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Doctrinal Foundations for Marriage»Matrimonio
47 (2013) 145-181Roseman, D., «Mediation in the Church. A Review of the Literature and of the Key Elements of Mediation»Processi
47 (2013) 119-143Vasil', C. — Gallaro, G., «Remarriage in the Orthodox Church Challenges Catholic Church»Matrimonio
47 (2013) 89-117Daniel, W.L., «The Competence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura over Recourse against the Rejection of a New Proposition of a Cause by the Roman Rota»Processi
47 (2013) 61-88Okoson, J.E., «The Collaborative Role of the Presbyteral Council in Diocesan Governance in Law and Statutes»Chiesa particolare
47 (2013) 25-60Petit, E., «Le mariage civil des catholiques à la lumière des fictions du droit matrimonial»Matrimonio
47 (2013) 5-24Morrisey, F.G., «La liberté religieuse et l'intérêt public»Diritto ecclesiastico
46 (2012) 489-510Abbass, J., «Canonical Studies. Making the Case for a Course on Conflict of Laws»Vita Consacrata
46 (2012) 471-487Daniel, W.L., «The Preservation of Judicial Acts from Causes of the Nullity of Marriage»Processi
46 (2012) 401-469Lagos, J., «Parental Education Rights in Canada. Canon and Civil Law Approaches to Homeschooling»Diritto ecclesiastico / Munus docendi
46 (2012) 375-400Navarro, L., «Clergy and New Ecclesial Movements. Juridical Issues»Associazioni Ecclesiali / Ministri Sacri
46 (2012) 355-373Pelletier, J., «Le phénomène des abandons de l'Église par apostasie et par schisme»Delitti e Pene
46 (2012) 341-354Richardson, W., «An Appalling Vista? The Future of Judicial Penal Trials in the Latin Code»Delitti e Pene / Processi
46 (2012) 319-340Martens, K., «Patere legem quam ipse fecisti? Procedures and Protection of Rights in the Church and its Relevance for Religious Liberty»Diritto ecclesiastico
46 (2012) 293-318Abbass, J., «The Explanatory Note Regarding CCEO Canon 1. A Commentary»Studi generali
46 (2012) 183-229Daniel, W.L., «The Doctrinal Contribution of Zenon Grocholewski to the Canonical Notion of Administrative Justice»Processi
46 (2012) 165-182Provencher, N., «L'avenir des paroisses au Canada. Impasses et voies d'avenir»Chiesa particolare
46 (2012) 119-164Huels, J.M., «General Revoking Formulas in Canon Law and Their Juridical Effects»Norme generali
46 (2012) 97-118Morrisey, F., «L'erreur déterminant la volonté (canon 1099)»Matrimonio
46 (2012) 75-96Abbass, J., «CCEO Canon 1 and Absolving Eastern Catholics in the Latin Church»Norme generali
46 (2012) 51-74Le Tourneau, D., «L'adhésion au Magietère ecclésiastique»Munus docendi
46 (2012) 5-50Renken, J.A., «The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter. Canonical Reflections»Chiesa particolare
45 (2011) 501-519Renken, J.A., «Contracts Threatening Stable Patrimony. The Discipline and Application of Canon 1295»Beni Temporali
45 (2011) 443-484Huels, J.M., «The Act of 'Admitting' a Lay Person to Preach in a Church or an Oratory»Munus docendi
45 (2011) 411-441Hallein, Ph., «Le motu proprio Omnium in mentem et les conséquences canoniques des modifications»Ordine sacro / Matrimonio
45 (2011) 355-409Glendinning, C.J., «Universae ecclesiae. Text and Commentary»Munus sanctificandi
45 (2011) 329-353Daniel, W.L., «The Origin, Nature and Purpose of Canon Law in the Recent Pontifical Magisterum»Studi generali
45 (2011) 293-328Abbass, J., «Penance. A Comparative Study of the Eastern and Latin Codes»Riconciliazione
45 (2011) 225-271Roseman, D., «Necessitas in the Context of Penance and Penalties in the Codex Iuris Canonici 1983»Delitti e Pene
45 (2011) 191-223Renken, J.A., «Chaplains in Canon Law»Chiesa particolare
45 (2011) 165-189Peters, E.N., «Benedict XVI's Remission of the Lefebvrite Excommunications. An Analysis and Alternative Explanation»Delitti e Pene
45 (2011) 121-164Kalala, A.M., «Rémunération des clercs après le Concile. Le point du droit à la lumière de l'évolution du canon 281 §1 du Code de 1983»Beni Temporali / Ministri Sacri
45 (2011) 67-120Daniel, W.L., «Motives in decernendo for Admitting a Cause of Marriage Nullity to an Ordinary Examination»Processi
45 (2011) 27-67Brown, P.J., «The Perils of Bankruptcy. Rights and Obligations Regarding Clergy Support»Beni Temporali
45 (2011) 5-25Arrieta, J.I., «Stabilité et dynamisme du système juridique canonique»Studi generali
44 (2010) 511-544Huels, J.M., «The Efficacy of Delegation Without Notification of Acceptance»Norme generali
44 (2010) 497-509Signié, J.M., «Et si on révisait le canon 786?»Munus docendi
44 (2010) 445-495Renken, J.A., «The College of (Eparchial) Consultors: A Comparison of Latin and Eastern Law»Chiesa particolare
44 (2010) 427-443Hallein, Ph., «L'interdiction du cumul de l 'office du défenseur du lien avec d'autres offices et charges dans le tribunal ecclésiastique. Étude comparative entre le Code et l'Instrucion Dignitas connubii»Processi
44 (2010) 399-426Heith-Stade, D., «Receiving the Non-Orthodox: A Historical Study of Greek Orthodox Canon Law»Studi generali
44 (2010) 369-397Abbass, J., «Le Code oriental: une ressource pour la révision du Code latin»Studi generali
44 (2010) 343-367Tarver, M., «The Effects of Pornography Addiction on Marital Consent»Matrimonio
44 (2010) 293-342Glendinning, C.J., «The Significance of the Liturgical Reforms Prior to the Second Vatican Council in Light of Summorum Pontificum»Munus sanctificandi
44 (2010) 211-258McCann, P., «The Sensus fidei and Canon Law»Studi generali
44 (2010) 189-209Daniel, W.L., «The Dissenting Conclusion of the Judge»Processi
44 (2010) 149-188Grob, J., «The Canon Law on the Rite of Major Exorcism»Sacramentali
44 (2010) 99-148Renken, J.A., «The Statutes of a Parish»Chiesa particolare
44 (2010) 53-98Pudumai Doss, J., «Freedom of Enquiry and Expression of Christifideles? Some Juridical Considerations Starting from Canon 218»I fedeli in genere
44 (2010) 31-52Coriden, J.A., «Parish Communities and Reorganizations»Chiesa particolare
44 (2010) 5-30Nobel, M.-A., «The Validity of the Acts of a Suspect Judge»Processi
43 (2009) 521-546Allard, P., «Thomas More: Marriage, Family and Education»Storia del diritto / Matrimonio
43 (2009) 487-520Renken, J.A., «The Parochus as Administrator of Parish Property»Chiesa particolare
43 (2009) 431-486Marattil, J., «Reverential Fear as a Ground of Marriage Nullity with Special Reference to the Indian Culture»Matrimonio
43 (2009) 389-430Huels, J.M., «Anglicanorum coetibus: Text and Commentary»Chiesa particolare
43 (2009) 361-387Daniel, W.L., «The Rejection of a Libellus Due to the Lack of Any Foundation Whatsoever (CIC, can. 1505 §2, 4°)»Processi
43 (2009) 331-360Mukabi Ngalile Ludzu, B., «L'exercice de la légation pontificale interne et externe en République Démocratique du Congo: Nécessité d'une commission épiscopale chargée des rapports avec la Nonciature Apostolique»Diritto ecclesiastico / Costituzione gerarchica
43 (2009) 297-329Shakal, D.M., «The Canonical Status of Members of Institutes of Consecrated Life»Vita Consacrata
43 (2009) 183-217LeClair, D.M., «The Diaconate in the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada»Ministri Sacri / Ordine sacro
43 (2009) 161-181Kowal, W., «Quelques remarques sur la discipline de la dissolution de mariages en faveur de la foi»Matrimonio
43 (2009) 141-159Foster, J.J.M., «The Violation of the Obligation of Residence: An Examination of Canon 1396 in the 1983 Code of Canon Law»Delitti e Pene
43 (2009) 97-139Huels, J.M., «The Significance of the 1991 Ordo Celebrandi matrimonium for the Canon Law of Marriage»Matrimonio
43 (2009) 89-95Dunn, B.J., «Does a Vasectomy Constitute an Irregularity to the Sacrament of Orders? A Response to James A. Coriden's Critique»Ordine sacro
43 (2009) 81-87Coriden, J.A., «Does a Vasectomy Constitute an Irregularity to the Sacrament of Orders? Another Answer to the Question»Ordine sacro
43 (2009) 47-80Daniel, W.L., «The Historical Development of the Power of Governance Enjoyed by the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura»Norme generali / Processi / Costituzione gerarchica
43 (2009) 27-46Renken, J.A., «The Quasi-Parish: A Definite Community of the Christian Faithful in a Particular Church»Chiesa particolare
48 (2008) 331-345Peters, E.N., «The Ordination of Men Bereft of Speech and the Celebration of Sacraments in Sign Language»Ordine sacro
42 (2008) 473-502Artner, P., «Disciplinary Measures outside Book VI of the 1983 Code»Munus sanctificandi / Delitti e Pene
42 (2008) 437-471Nobel, M., «Academic Aspects of Priestly Formation in the 1983 Code of Canon Law»Ministri Sacri
42 (2008) 393-436Daniel, W.L., «The Publication of the Definitive Sentence»Processi
42 (2008) 367-382Woestman, W.H., «Extraordinary Canonical Form of Marriage When a Qualified Witness Cannot Be Present without a Grave Inconvenience»Matrimonio
42 (2008) 347-365Szuromi, S.A., «Some 12th Century Textual Witnesses of the Family of the Ivonian Panormia»Storia del diritto
42 (2008) 319-330Hurtubise, P., «Le devoir de mémoire. Pourquoi il faut assurer dès maintenant l'avenir de nos archives religieuses»Chiesa particolare
42 (2008) 293-318Abbass, J., «The Patriarch and Religious Institutes of Pontifical Right»Chiesa particolare / Vita Consacrata
42 (2008) 205-217Trudeau, J., «Les parrains: note canonique sur problème pastoral dans canons 873 et 874 §2 du CIC»Battesimo
42 (2008) 181-203Kowal, W., «The Presumption of the Validity of Marriage»Matrimonio
42 (2008) 119-140Foley, E., «Musicam sacram Revisited: Anchor to the Past or Path to the Future?»Munus sanctificandi
42 (2008) 87-118Dunn, B., «Liturgical and Canonical Challenges Associated with the New General Instruction of the Roman Missal»Munus sanctificandi
42 (2008) 59-85Simard, N., «La bioéthique et le droit canonique»Studi generali
42 (2008) 5-57Renken, J.A., «Penal Law and Financial Malfeasance»Delitti e Pene
41 (2007) 515-549Huels, J.M., «Defection from the Catholic Church by a Formal Act and the Circular Letter of 13 March 2006»I fedeli in genere / Munus docendi / Norme generali
41 (2007) 493-506Martine, M., «Readmission to the Clerical State After Voluntary Laicization»Ministri Sacri
41 (2007) 473-492McKenna, K., «Roman Intervention in the 19th Century Catholic School Controversy in the United States»Storia del diritto
41 (2007) 453-471Dadosky, J., «The Official Church and the Church of Love in Balthasar's Reading of John. An Exploration in Post-Vatican II Ecclesiology»Teologia del diritto
41 (2007) 441-452Burke, C., «Challenges to Matrimonial Jurisprudence Posed by the 1983 Code»Matrimonio
41 (2007) 401-440Flood, M., «Presumption in Canon Law and Its Application to Marriage Legislation»Matrimonio
41 (2007) 371-399Basdevant-Gaudemet, B., «L'archidiacre et l'archiprêtre au service de la Réforme Grégorienne d'après la législation conciliaire de 1074 à 1140»Storia del diritto
41 (2007) 345-369Beal, J., «When East Meets West. Tribunal Competence in Inter-Ritual Marriage Cases»Processi
41 (2007) 309-343Pagé, R., «L'instruction Dignitas connubii. Questions choisies»Processi
41 (2007) 279-297Torfs, R., «Canon Law in a Secularized Society»Diritto ecclesiastico
41 (2007) 237-277Asselin, A., «L'interrogation des parties et des témoins dans la cause en nullité de mariage selon la formulation du doute»Processi
41 (2007) 199-236Beal, J.P., «The 1962 Instruction Crimen sollicitationis: Caught Red-Handed or Handed a Red Herring?»Processi / Delitti e Pene
41 (2007) 173-198Durand, J.-P., «Perpétuer des institutions sanitaires, sociales et médico-sociales fondées et transférées par des instituts religieux»Vita Consacrata
41 (2007) 153-172Morrisey, F.G., «Certaines questions pratiques au sujet du droit propre des instituts religieux»Vita Consacrata
41 (2007) 117-151Green, T.J., «The 2004 Directory on the Ministry of Bishops: Reflections on Episcopal Governance in a Time of Crisis»Chiesa particolare
41 (2007) 91-116Martens, K., «Curia romana semper reformanda: Le développement de la curie romaine avec quelques réflexions pour une réforme éventuelle»Costituzione gerarchica
41 (2007) 65-90Casey, M., «Associations of Christ's Faithful: Possibilities for the Future»Associazioni Ecclesiali
41 (2007) 47-63Valdrini, P., «Communauté et institution en droit canonique»Studi generali
41 (2007) 27-45Arrieta, J.I., «The Internal Forum: Notion and Juridical Regime»Studi generali
41 (2007) 17-25Passicos, J., «La mention de l'Esprit Saint dans le Code de droit canonique: Entre doctrine et pastorale»Studi generali
40 (2006) 137-182Robitaille, L., «Through the Lens of Dignitas Connubii: The Judge's Active Role in Marriage Nullity Cases»Processi
40 (2006) 117-136Clifford, C.E., «The Collaboration of Theology and Canon Law in Light of Lonergan's Theory»Teologia del diritto
40 (2006) 95-116Woods, S.K., «'Primacy': Sorting Out the Terms of Dialogue»Costituzione gerarchica
40 (2006) 71-93Daniel, W.L., «The Ethical Dimension of the Role of the Ecclesiastical Judge in the Rotal Allocution of John Paul II»Processi
40 (2006) 43-70Mendonça, A., «Exclusion of the Bonum coniugum: A Case Study»Matrimonio
40 (2006) 31-42Woestman, W.H., «Sexual Abuse of a Minor as an Irregularity for Orders. A Magic Bullet?»Delitti e Pene / Ministri Sacri
40 (2006) 5-30Legrand, H., «Communion eucharistique et communion ecclésiale. Une relecture de la première lettre aux Corinthiens»Teologia del diritto
37 (2003) 521-548Malvaux, B., «Les professeurs et la mission canonique, le mandat d'enseignement, la profession de foi, le serment de fidélité, le nihil obstat»Munus docendi
37 (2003) 503-520Racine, J., «La formation des maîtres en enseignement religieux, des animateurs de pastorale, des aumôniers et l'État»Diritto ecclesiastico
37 (2003) 483-501Pelchat, M., «La confessionalité et la reconnaissance des facultés de théologie»Diritto ecclesiastico
37 (2003) 301-322Huels, J., «The Juridic Status of Catholic Faculties of Theology: Overview of the Universal Law»Munus docendi
37 (2003) 293-300Routhier, G., «Introduction: Les défis actuels des institutions de théologie et de sciences religieuses»Diritto ecclesiastico / Munus docendi
37 (2003) 175-184Jacques, R., «Note sur le bon usage du chef de dol dans les causes en nullité de mariage»Matrimonio
37 (2003) 163-174Jacques, R., «Droit de la défense à présenter de nouvelles preuves en appel»Processi
37 (2003) 125-162McCormack, A.R.A., «The Privileges of Cardinals»Costituzione gerarchica
37 (2003) 99-124Kaslyn, R.J., «The Status of Incardination of the Cleric Dismissed from a Religious Institute»Ministri Sacri / Vita Consacrata
37 (2003) 55-97Basdevant-Gaudemet, B., «Les désignations épiscopales d'après les versions successives du Décret de Gratien»Storia del diritto
37 (2003) 5-53Huels, J.M., «Determining the Correct Canonical Rules for Ambiguous Administrative Acts»Norme generali
36 (2002) 487-495Labelle, J.P., «Le 'Code de Droit Canonique' de 1983, en raison du phénomène de l'inculturation, est-il adapté au Japon?»Studi generali
36 (2002) 463-486Casey, M.B., «The Evolution of New Forms of Consecrated Life»Vita Consacrata
36 (2002) 419-462Jenkins, R.E., «Defamation of Character in Canonical Doctrine and Jurisprudence»Delitti e Pene
36 (2002) 343-418Mendonça, A., «Jurisprudential Approaches to Equivalent or Substantial Conformity of Sentences in Marriage Nullity Cases»Processi
36 (2002) 319-342Jacques, R., «La notion canonique de 'jeunes Eglises' (canon 786) et les 'moyens suffisants' pour l'exercise du ministère épiscopal»Munus docendi
36 (2002) 293-318Abbass, J., «The Admission of Eastern Catholics to the Novitiate of Latin Religious Institutes»Vita Consacrata
36 (2002) 225-252Martens, K., «L 'organisation de la protection juridique des droits au sein de l'Eglise: quelques réflexions à propos des tribunaux administratifs, de la conciliation et du due process»Processi
36 (2002) 189-224Motiuk, D.T., «The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches: Some Ten Years Later»Studi generali
36 (2002) 169-187Aral, G., «Le notariat en droit ecclésiastique. Etude historique et juridique»Storia del diritto / Processi / Chiesa particolare
36 (2002) 129-167Nedungatt, G., «Celibate and Married Clergy in CCEO. Canon 373»Ministri Sacri
36 (2002) 59-127Mendonça, A. — Morris, P.S., «Pathological Gambling and Marital Consent»Matrimonio
36 (2002) 25-58Huels, J.M., «Permissions, Authorizations and Faculties in Canon Law»Norme generali
36 (2002) 5-24Orsy, L., «Quo Vadis Ecclesia: The Future of Canon Law»Studi generali
35 (2001) 485-514Wrenn, L., «'In diebus illis': Some Canonical Giants in Days of Yore»Storia del diritto
35 (2001) 463-484Jacques, R., «Les non-chrétiens, sujets de devoirs et de droits dans le droit canonique»I fedeli in genere / Studi generali
35 (2001) 421-462Borras, A., «Les paroisses et l'avenir»Chiesa particolare
35 (2001) 403-420Morrisey, F., «Addressing the Issue of Clergy Abuse»Ministri Sacri
35 (2001) 357-402Connolly, P., «Contrasts in the Western and Eastern Approaches to Marriage»Matrimonio
35 (2001) 293-356Mendonça, A., «The Effects of Alcohol and Sedative Hypnotic-Anxolytic Drugs Intoxication on Marital Consent»Matrimonio
35 (2001) 191-213Wellspring, J.A., «Coeliac Disease: A New Obstacle to Holy Orders?»Ordine sacro
35 (2001) 175-190Gramunt, I., «Non-Admission to Holy Communion: The Interpretation of Canon 915 (CIC)»Eucaristia
35 (2001) 151-174Brown, R., «From Total Simulation to Error Determining the Will»Matrimonio
35 (2001) 133-149Guyon, G., «Le temps et le droit dans la Règle bénédictine»Vita Consacrata
35 (2001) 97-132Smith, P., «Determining the Integral Reordering of Law: Tools for the Canonist»Studi generali
35 (2001) 59-96Huels, J.M., «The Power of Governance and Its Ecercise by Lay Persons: A Juridical Approach»Fedeli Laici / Costituzione gerarchica
35 (2001) 33-58Mendonça, A., «The Apostolic Signatura's Recent Declaration on the Necessity of Using Experts in Marriage Nullity Cases»Processi
35 (2001) 7-31Abbass, J., «Latin Bishops' Duty of Care Towards Eastern Catholics»Chiesa particolare
34 (2000) 489-504Kowal, W., «Some Remarks on Understanding the Concept of 'propria verborum significatio'»Norme generali
34 (2000) 467-488Robitaille, L.A., «A Subtext in the Canonical Discussion of ClergyŁaity Issues: Gender»Ministri Sacri / Fedeli Laici
34 (2000) 439-466Ingels, G.D., «Protecting the Right to Privacy when Examining Issues Affecting the Life and Ministry of Clerics and Religious»Vita Consacrata / Ministri Sacri
34 (2000) 355-400Gressier, J., «Le consentement est un acte positif de volonté»Matrimonio
34 (2000) 293-354Mendonça, A., «Rotal Approaches to Affective Immaturity as a Cause of Consensual Incapacity for Marriage»Matrimonio
34 (2000) 197-246Candelier, G., «Le 'bonum prolis': doctrine et évolution de la jurisprudence»Matrimonio
34 (2000) 155-195Morris, P.S., «Alcoholism and Marital Consent»Matrimonio
34 (2000) 119-154McAreavey, J., «The Primacy of the Bishop of Rome: A Canonical Reflection in Response to 'Ut unum sint'»Costituzione gerarchica
34 (2000) 91-118Huels, J.M., «A Policy on Canon 844 §4 for Canadian Dioceses»Sacramenti in generale
34 (2000) 23-74Mendonça, A., «Error of Fact: Doctrine and Jurisprudence on Canon 1097»Matrimonio
34 (2000) 5-21Pagé, R., «Marriage: Sacrament of Love or Sacrament of Bond?»Matrimonio
33 (1999) 505-525Lynch, J.E., «The Canonical Contribution to English Law»Studi generali / Diritto ecclesiastico
33 (1999) 473-503Lüdicke, K., «Matrimonial Consent in Light of a Personalist Concept of Marriage: On the Council's New Way of Thinking about Marriage»Matrimonio
33 (1999) 441-472Cerullo, D.M., «A Canonical Study of Lay Associate Programs»Associazioni Ecclesiali
33 (1999) 399-440Callebat, B., «Des empêchements matrimoniaux en droit canonique et en droit civil français»Matrimonio / Diritto ecclesiastico
33 (1999) 349-397Green, T.J., «Diocesan and Parish Structures: A Comparison of Selected Canons in the 'Codex iuris canonici'»Chiesa particolare
33 (1999) 293-347Mendonça, A., «The Right of the Parties to Inspect the Acts and Its Relation to the Validity of a Definitive Sentence»Processi
33 (1999) 169-212Ingels, G., «Dismissal from the Clerical State: An Examination of the Penal Process»Delitti e Pene
33 (1999) 151-168Thompson, A., «The Afterlife of an Error: Hunting in the Decretalists (1190-1348)»Delitti e Pene / Storia del diritto
33 (1999) 139-149Borras, A., «Entre l 'obsolescence de la norme et la vitalité de la doctrine: le sort actuel du livre VI du CIC: à propos d'un ouvrage récent»Delitti e Pene
33 (1999) 125-138Robitaille, L.A., «Consent, Culture and the Code»Matrimonio
33 (1999) 113-124Coppola, R., «'Epieíkeia' et aequitas canonica: sources matérielles de l 'ordre juridique canonique»Norme generali / Studi generali
33 (1999) 71-82Ogilvie, M.H., «The Seven Deadly Myths: What Every Church Administrator Should Know about the Law in Canada Today»Diritto ecclesiastico
33 (1999) 27-70Labelle, J.P., «Les incidences pastorales de la dissolution du mariage non sacramentel en faveur de la foi»Matrimonio / Processi
33 (1999) 5-25Fischer, M.F., «What Was Vatican II's Intent Regarding Parish Councils?»Chiesa particolare
32 (1998) 441-500Mendonça, A., «The structural and functional aspects of an appeal tribunal in marriage nullity cases»Processi
32 (1998) 415-440Lamirande, E., «La Conférence de Carthage (411) et les réactions de saint Augustin: un procès singulier, fatal aux donatistes»Storia del diritto
32 (1998) 397-414Okeke, H.O., «Church-as-God's Family: From African Ecclesiology to African Canon Law»Teologia del diritto
32 (1998) 371-395Gressier, J., «L'inexistence du consentement»Matrimonio
32 (1998) 337-370Huels, J.M., «A Theory of Juridical Documents Based on Canons 29-34»Norme generali
32 (1998) 321-336Nau, D.M., «Divorce and Remarriage in the Canon Law of the Church of England»Matrimonio
32 (1998) 293-320Malvaux, B., «Les relations mutuelles entre év^eques et instituts religieux: quelques propositions canoniques à la suite du Synode sur la vie consacrée et de l'Exhortation apostolique postsynodale 'Vita consecrata'»Vita Consacrata
32 (1998) 183-202Morrisey, F., «Canon Law Meets Civil Law»Diritto ecclesiastico
32 (1998) 157-182Morlot, F., «Qu'est-ce que le mariage civil de deux catholiques?»Matrimonio
32 (1998) 145-156McDonough, K.M., «'I never knew what you thought of me': Evaluation of Pastors and the Issue of Unassignability»Ministri Sacri
32 (1998) 129-143Trudeau, J., «La remise à la justice du tribunal dans les causes de nullité de mariage»Processi
32 (1998) 97-128Abbass, J., «Departure from Religious Institutes in the Latin and Eastern Catholic Churches»Vita Consacrata
32 (1998) 47-95Candelier, G., «La relation entre le 2 et le 3 du canon 1095»Matrimonio
32 (1998) 5-46Huels, J.M., «Interpreting an Instruction Approved in forma specifica»Norme generali
31 (1997) 475-512Mendonça, A., «The Correct Interpretation of Canons 1150 and 1608 §4»Matrimonio / Processi
31 (1997) 461-473Woestman, W.H., «The Ordinary and the Declaration of Freedom to Marry»Matrimonio
31 (1997) 449-459Tamburini, F., «La Sacrée Pénitencerie apostolique et les pénitenciers mineurs pontificaux»Riconciliazione
31 (1997) 423-442McGrath, A., «Between Charism and Institution: The Approval of the Rule of Saint Claire in 1253»Vita Consacrata
31 (1997) 403-421Burke, C., «The object of the Marital Self-Gift as Presented in Canon 1057 §2»Matrimonio
31 (1997) 373-402Candelier, G., «La simulation d'après les sentences de Mfr. José María Serrano Ruiz»Matrimonio
31 (1997) 311-339Pagé, R., «L'avocat, le procureur et le curateur dans les causes matrimoniales»Processi
31 (1997) 311-339Cholij, M.T., «An Eastern Catholic Married Clergy in North America: Recent Changes in Legal Status and Ecclesiological Perspective»Ministri Sacri
31 (1997) 201-233Kaucheck, K.R., «Mast the Act of Divine and Catholic Faith Be Given to 'Ordinatio sacerdotalis'? A Study of the Ordinary Universal Magisterium»Munus docendi
31 (1997) 193-200Hayoit, P., «Réflexions sur le thème 'Mariage et procréation'»Matrimonio
31 (1997) 147-191Foster, M.S., «Divorce and Remarriage: What about the Children? Canons 1071, 1077, 1684, 1685, 1689»Matrimonio / Processi
31 (1997) 117-146Peter, «The Making of Written Law in the Church»Norme generali
31 (1997) 75-116Naurois, L. de, «Remarques sur l'extension des causes de nullité du mariage pour erreur sur la personne en droit canonique»Matrimonio
31 (1997) 49-73Ogilvie, M.H., «Canadian Civil Court Intervention in the Exercise of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction»Processi
31 (1997) 5-48Mendonça, A., «Exclusion of the Sacramentality of Marriage: Recent Trends in Rotal Jurisprudence»Matrimonio
30 (1996) 513-532Okeke, H.O., «Ecclesiastical Ministries for Laypeople in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects»Fedeli Laici
30 (1996) 487-511López Gallo, P., «Do Multiple Marriages Abolish the Documentary Process of 'ligamen'?»Processi
30 (1996) 437-486Candelier, G., «Les apports originaux de Mgr. José María Serrano Ruiz dans la jurisprudence rotale»Processi
30 (1996) 403-435Coughlin, J.J., «Canonical Equity»Studi generali
30 (1996) 371-401McIntyre, J.P., «'In persona Christi Capitis': A Commentary on Canon 1008»Ordine sacro
30 (1996) 343-370Gressier, J., «La nullité du mariage conclu sous l'effet du dol qualifié du canon 1098 est de droit naturel»Matrimonio
30 (1996) 295-342Reid, C.J., «Thirteenth-Century Canon Law and Righst: The Word 'ius' and Its Range of Subjective Meanings»Storia del diritto
30 (1996) 177-219Garrett, J.R., «The Poor and the Code of Canon Law: Some Relevant Issues in Book II»Studi generali
30 (1996) 163-176Vondenberger, V., «Effective Due Process Is Possible in the Church»Processi
30 (1996) 133-162Morlot, F., «Le droit de défense, en particulier dans la publication des actes»Processi
30 (1996) 117-132Erdő, P., «Cardinal John Henry Newman's Theology of Canon Law»Teologia del diritto
30 (1996) 87-116Mendonça, A., «Practical Aspects of Using Multiple Grounds in Formal Marriage Nullity Cases»Processi
30 (1996) 71-86Lamirande, E., «Ecclesiasticus, un terme à connotation juridique: étude de lexicographie augustinienne»Studi generali
30 (1996) 31-69Lagges, P.R., «The Use of Canon 1044 §2, 2º in the Removal of Parish Priests»Ordine sacro
30 (1996) 5-30Sangal N., «The Effects of Incest on Matrimonial Consent»Matrimonio
29 (1995) 493-508Pagé, R., «L'absolution collective au Canada»Riconciliazione
29 (1995) 481-492Brewer, D.S., «Canon 524 and the Systematic Participation of the Laity in the Selection of Pastors»Chiesa particolare
29 (1995) 433-480Reid, C.J., «Tha Papacy, Theology and Revolution: A Response to Joseph L. Soria's Critique of Harold J. Berman's Law and Revolution»Costituzione gerarchica
29 (1995) 397-432Robitaille, L.A., «Simulation, Error Determining the Will, or Lack of Due Discretion? A Case Study»Matrimonio
29 (1995) 375-396Thazhath, A., «The Superior and Ordinary Tribunals of a sui iuris Eastern Catholic Church»Processi
29 (1995) 357-374Provencher, N., «Un regard théologique sur nos pratiques ministérielles»Fedeli Laici
29 (1995) 293-316Morrisey, F.G, «The Alination of Temporal Goods in Contemporary Practice»Beni Temporali
29 (1995) 193-239McDermott, S.M., «Two Approaches to Consecrated Life: The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and the Code of Canon Law»Vita Consacrata
29 (1995) 179-192Torfs, R., «Propria verborum significatio: de l'épistémologie à l'herméneutique»Norme generali
29 (1995) 155-178Woestman, W.H., «Restricting the Right to Celebrate the Eucharist»Eucaristia
29 (1995) 103-153McIntyre, J.P., «Optional Priestly Celibacy»Ministri Sacri
29 (1995) 85-101Thériault, M., «Le beneficium novae audientiae dans la procédure de recours contre les décrets administratifs»Processi
29 (1995) 29-83; 317-355Mendonça, A., «Recent Rotal Jurisprudence from a Sociocultural Perspective»Processi
29 (1995) 7-28Kaslyn, R.J., «The Value Underlying the Law: A Foundational Analysis of Canon 209, § 1»I fedeli in genere
28 (1994) 487-519Soria, J.L., «Religions, History and the Growth of Law: An Appraisal of H.J. Breman's Law and Revolution»Storia del diritto
28 (1994) 453-486Thériault, M.M., «Les chefs 'subordonnés' dans le contexte des causes à chefs multiples: une amélioration de la procédure?»Processi
28 (1994) 407-451Green, T.J., «Penal Law in the Code of Canon Law and in the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches: Some Comparative Reflections»Delitti e Pene
28 (1994) 347-406Kitchen, P., «Matrimonial Intention and Simulation»Matrimonio
28 (1994) 323-345Johnson, J.J., «Res iudicata, restitutio in integrum and Marriage Cases»Processi
28 (1994) 311-322Vallée, A., «Les laïcs dans l 'organisation pastorale»Fedeli Laici
28 (1994) 293-309Coriden, J.A., «The Rights of Parishes»Chiesa particolare
28 (1994) 231-239Hendricks, J., «On the Sacramentality of the Episcopal Consecration»Chiesa particolare
28 (1994) 167-230Mendonça, A., «Recent Trends in Rotal Jurisprudence»Processi
28 (1994) 155-166Finifini Matenkadi, A., «L'expérience pastorale des responsables laïcs de paroisses (bakambi) au Zaïre: histoire et perspectives»Chiesa particolare
28 (1994) 123-154Moodie M.R., «Fundamental Rights and Access to the Acts of a Case»Processi
28 (1994) 99-122Morrisey, F.G., «Decimo Anno... On the Tenth Anniversary of the Code of Canon Law»Studi generali
28 (1994) 85-98Burke, R.L., «The Distinction of Personnel in Hierarchically Related Tribunals»Processi
28 (1994) 59-83Le Tourneau, D., «Quelle protection pour les droits et les devoirs fondamentaux des fidèles dans l'Église?»I fedeli in genere
28 (1994) 33-58Huels, J.M., «Preparation for the Sacraments: Faith, Rights, Law»Sacramenti in generale
28 (1994) 5-31Herranz Casado, J., «Renewal and Effectiveness in Canon Law»Studi generali
27 (1993) 455-477De Melo, C.M., «Priests and Priestly Formation in the Revised Code of Canon Law»Ministri Sacri
27 (1993) 435-453Martí Sánchez, J.M., «La responsabilité des laïcs dans l'éducation catholique selon le droit canonique universel et particulier espagnol»Munus docendi
27 (1993) 413-433Okeke, H.O., «Care of Christian Marriage and Family Life in Nigeria»Matrimonio
27 (1993) 401-412Burke, C., «Personalism and the bona of Marriage»Matrimonio
27 (1993) 379-400McGrath, A., «At the Service of the Truth: Psychological Sciences and Their Relation to the Canon Law of Nullity of Marriage»Processi
27 (1993) 353-377Gramunt, I. — Wauck, L.A., «'Incapacity to Assume' in the Sentence coram Lefebvre of 31 January 1976»Matrimonio
27 (1993) 335-352McIntyre, J.P., «The Two Phases of Canon Law»Teologia del diritto
27 (1993) 321-334Metz, R., «La désignation des évêques dans le droit actuel: étude comparative entre le Code latin de 1983 et le Code oriental de 1990»Chiesa particolare
27 (1993) 293-320Beal, J.P., «Administrative Leave: Canon 1722 Revisited»Processi
27 (1993) 217-260Garrity, R.M., «Spiritual and Canonical Values in Mandatory Priestly Celibacy»Ministri Sacri
27 (1993) 173-215Abbass, J., «Apostolic See in the New Oriental Legislation»Costituzione gerarchica
27 (1993) 145-172Cafardi, N.P., «Stones instead of Bread: Sexually Abusive Priests in Ministry»Ministri Sacri
27 (1993) 97-143Mendonça, A., «Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Its Effects on Matrimonial Consent»Matrimonio
27 (1993) 77-95Daneels, F., «The Right of Defence»Processi
27 (1993) 59-76Borras, A., «Le ministère de présidence du curé: réflexions canoniques et pastorales»Chiesa particolare
27 (1993) 23-57Green, T.J., «The Church's Teaching Mission: Some Aspects of the Normative Role of Episcopal Conferences»Munus docendi
27 (1993) 5-22McGrath, A., «Conformity of Sentence in Marriage Nullity Cases»Matrimonio / Processi
26 (1992) 461-486Conferentia Episcoporum Canadiensis, «Recommendations»Delitti e Pene
26 (1992) 437-460Vadakumcherry, J., «Marriage Laws in the Code of Canon Law and the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches»Matrimonio
26 (1992) 415-436Koury, J.J., «The Limits of Collaboration: The New Legal Language for the Laity»Fedeli Laici
26 (1992) 401-413McKay, G., «Spiritual Direction in the Diocesan Seminary: An Interpretation of the Canonical Norms»Ministri Sacri
26 (1992) 379-399Burke, C., «The Essential Obligations of Matrimony»Matrimonio
26 (1992) 307-341McDonough, E., «Juridical Deconstruction of Religious Institutes»Vita Consacrata
26 (1992) 289-306Schotte, J.P., «The Synod of Bishops: A Permanent yet Adaptable Church Institution»Costituzione gerarchica
26 (1992) 209-234Mendonça, A., «Recent Rotal Jurisprudence on the Effects of Sexual Disorders on Matrimonial Consent»Processi
26 (1992) 191-208McKenna, K.E., «Confidential Clergy Matters and the Secret Archives»Chiesa particolare
26 (1992) 163-190MacDonald, H.L., «Hermits: The Juridical Implications of Canon 603»Vita Consacrata
26 (1992) 111-162Routhier, G.M., «La synodalité de l'Eglise locale»Chiesa particolare
26 (1992) 75-110Robitaille, L.A., «Conditioned Consent: Natural Law and Human Positive Law»Matrimonio
26 (1992) 39-74Morrisey, F.G., «Procedure to be Applied in Cases of Alleged Sexual Misconduct by a Priest»Delitti e Pene
26 (1992) 25-34McIntyre, J.P., «The Acquired Right: A New Context»Norme generali
26 (1992) 5-24Valdrini, P., «La synodalité dans l'Eglise: l'expérience française depuis le Concile Vatican II»Costituzione gerarchica
25 (1991) 451-464Kay, D.J., «The Historical Origins of Canon 591 of the Code of Canon Law»Vita Consacrata
25 (1991) 277-334Routhier, G.M., «'Eglise locale' ou 'Eglise particulière': querelle sémantique ou option théologique?»Chiesa particolare
25 (1991) 245-276Green, T.J., «The Church's Sanctifying Missions: Some Aspects of the Normative Role of the Diocesan Bishop»Munus sanctificandi
23 (1989) 373-386Fuentes, J.A., «The Active Participants in Catechesis and their Dependence on the Magisterium (Canons 773-780)»Munus docendi
23 (1989) 345-372Provost, J.H., «Brought Together by the Word of Living God (Canons 762-772)»Munus docendi
23 (1989) 325-344Huels, J.M., «The Ministry of the Divine Word (Canons 756-761)»Munus docendi
23 (1989) 267-284Sullivan, F.A., «The Response Due tu the Non-Definitive Exercise of the Magisterium (Canon 752)»Munus docendi
23 (1989) 257-266Walf K., «L'infaillibilité comme la voit le Code de droit canonique (canons 749-750)»Munus docendi
23 (1989) 243-256Arrieta, J.I., «The Active Subject of the Church's Teaching Office (Canons 747-748)»Munus docendi
23 (1989) 459-469Urrutia, F.J., «Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (Canons 815-821)»Munus docendi / Nostri maestri
23 (1989) 5-26Urrutia, F.J., «The Challenges on Canonical Doctrine on Marriage Arising from Africa»Studi generali / Nostri maestri
20 (1986) 253-273Urrutia, F.J., «Administrative Power in the Church according to the Code of Canon Law»Norme generali / Nostri maestri
19 (1985) 339-355Urrutia, F.J., «Delegation of the Executive Power of Governance»Norme generali / Nostri maestri
15 (1981) 87-134Beyer, J.B., «Le deuxième projet de droit pour la vie consacrée»Vita Consacrata / Nostri maestri