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Articles de la revue «Ecumeny and Law»
qui sont accueillis dans la Bibliografia Canonistica

Volume et Pages Article Champ du droit
10/2 (2022) 119-134Dvořáček, J., «Sharing the Eucharist? Critical Comments from a Canonical Perspective on the Statement “Together at the Lord’s Table” (2019) of the Ecumenical Study Group of Protestant and Catholic Theologians»Eucharistie / Munus docendi
10/2 (2022) 29-57Pastwa, A., «Love Builds Communion between Persons (UUS, n. 21). Christological-Ecclesiological Key to Confirm the Identity of Marriages of Baptised Non-Catholics»Mariage
9/2 (2021) 41-69Rees, W., «Pastoral Care for Migrants. Canonical and Religious Related Legal Requirements on Asylum and on the Change of Religion»Études générales
9/2 (2021) 7-40Pastwa, A., «“Accompanying Migrants” as a Touchstone of the Realisation of the Synodal Church Idea. A Canonist’s Remarks»Études générales
9/1 (2021) 25-43Přibyl, S., «Participative Decision Making of the Faithful in the Church»Fidèles
9 (2021) 25-43Přibyl, S., «Participative Decision Making of the Faithful in the Church»Fidèles
n° 7 (2019) 115-141Sawa, P., «Synodality, Discernment, Catholic Movements»Constitution hiérarchique / Fidèles laïcs / Associations
n° 7 (2019) 95-114Pastwa, A., «Synodality — Participation — Co-Responsibility. Remarks on the Determinants of the Aggiornamento of Church Law»Églises particulière / Constitution hiérarchique
n° 7 (2019) 77-94Hintz, M., «Synod as the Embodiment of the Church — the Evolution of Lutheran Understanding of Synodality»Églises particulière / Études générales
n° 7 (2019) 29-52Dura, N.V., «The Regime of the Synodality in the Eastern Church of the First Millennium and Its Canonical Basis»Églises particulière / Histoire du droit
n° 7 (2019) 7-27Góralski, W., «Diocesan Synod Today In What Shape?»Églises particulière
n° 6 (2018) 283-304Majer, P., «Sponsors for Baptism and Confirmation Sacraments, and Witnesses to Marriage in Ecumenical Perspective»Baptême / Confirmation / Mariage
n° 6 (2018) 225-247Pastwa, A., «Sensus fidei fidelium. Legal and Ecumenical Reflection»Fidèles
n° 6 (2018) 203-224Přibyl, S., «On the Limits of Ecumenical Relations between Churches»Constitution hiérarchique / Sacraments en général
n° 6 (2018) 187-201Dzierżon, G., «The Reception of the 1993 Ecumenical Directory in the Documents of Episcopal Conferences Concerning Mixed Marriages»Mariage
n° 6 (2018) 131-185Rees, W., «Ecumenical Cooperation in the Field of Catechesis, Religious Education, and Universities as well as Communicatio in Sacris according to the Ecumenical Directory»Études générales
n° 5 (2017) 263-275Świto, L., «Resolution in Favour of Marriage — an Oppressive Relic of the Past? The favor matrimonii Principle in Contemporary Law»Mariage
n° 5 (2017) 235-261Pastwa, A., «Ius connubii Today — Legal and Pastoral Perspective»Mariage
n° 5 (2017) 217-234Menke, M., «Young People at Present and Their Preparation for Religious Life»Vie Consacrée
n° 5 (2017) 201-216Tomkiewicz, M., «Modern Youth vs. Preparation for Family Life. Legal Issues»Mariage
n° 5 (2017) 185-199Němec, D., «Contemporary Youth and the Preparation for Priesthood»Ministres Sacrés
n° 5 (2017) 171-184Janczewski, Z., «The Sacrament of Confirmation as a Call to the Evangelization Directed towards Young People»Confirmation / Munus docendi
n° 4 (2016) 127-143Přibyl, S., «Freedom of Conscience in the Code of Canon Law»Études générales
n° 4 (2016) 105-125Pastwa, L., «The Law of the Church — the Law of Freedom»Droit ecclesiastique
n° 3 (2015) 217-228Přibyl, S., «The Sacrament of Confirmation: From Being Educated in Faith to Christian Maturity»Confirmation
n° 3 (2015) 197-215Němec, D., «Protection of Minors in the Current Canon Law»Études générales / Fidèles
n° 3 (2015) 171-186Góralski, W., «An Infant in Codex Iuris Canonici»Études générales
n° 3 (2015) 113-124Budniak, J., «Religious Education of Children in Families of Different Confessions»Munus docendi
n° 3 (2015) 95-112Samsel, R., «Roman Catholic-Anglican Mixed Marriages in Ecumenical Dialogue and Pastoral Practice»Mariage
n° 2 (2014) 287-301Adamowicz, L., «Law and Pastoral Care: Reflections of Three Popes»Études générales
n° 2 (2014) 269-286Čitbaj, F., «Civil Effects of Entering Into Canonical Marriage according to Laws of the Slovak Republic»Droit ecclesiastique
n° 2 (2014) 247-267Chiriluţă, B. — Mititelu, C., «The Christian Family in the Light of the Nomocanonical Legislation Printed in Romanian Language in the 17th Century»Mariage / Histoire du droit
n° 2 (2014) 193-203Nowicka, U., «The Right to Freedom of Spouse Choice and Religious Upbringing of Children (CRF, Articles 2 and 7)»Mariage
n° 2 (2014) 145-156Němec, D., «Pastoral Vision of the Rights of the Family in the Catholic Church»Mariage
n° 2 (2014) 131-143Kroczek, P., «The Rights of the Family in the Vision of the Evangelical Church»Mariage
n° 2 (2014) 115-130Dură, N.V. — Petrescu, T., «Institution of the Family according to the Teaching of the Orthodox Church»Mariage
n° 2 (2014) 105-114Gałkowski, T., «The Charter of the Rights of the Family in the Context of Theology of Law»Théologie du droit
n° 1 (2013) 173-195Adamowicz, L., «Free State Declaration of Non-Catholic Persons before Celebrating of Canonical Marriage»Mariage
n° 1 (2013) 153-160Němec, D., «On the Concept of the Sacramentality of Marriage in the Czechoslovak Hussite Church»Mariage
n° 1 (2013) 117-129Dură, N.V. — Petrescu, T., «The Mixed Marriages According to the Orthodox Canonical Legislation»Mariage
n° 1 (2013) 93-115Pastwa, A., «Marriage Covenant in Catholic Doctrine: The Pastoral Constitution on the Church Gaudium et Spes — the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio ..»Mariage
n° 1 (2013) 79-92Gałkowski, T., «The Matrimonial Covenant as the Nature of Things (of Marriage)»Mariage
n° 1 (2013) 19-30Kałużny, T., «Indissolubility of Marriage from the Lutheran Perspective»Mariage
n° 1 (2013) 7-18Bortkiewicz, P., «Marriage: The Project of Culture or Faith?»Mariage