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Roman Replies Online Index

Explanatory Note

This table presents a database of the documents of the Apostolic See which have been published
- in the volumes "Canon Law Digest" (between 1983 and 1993)
- and in the volumes "Roman Replies and CLSA Advisory Opinions" (since 1994)
The "Advisory Opinions" which are also published in these volumes are not included in this table.
Cf. the "Advisory Opinions" Index.
The volumens themselves can be purchased from the Canon Law Society of America.
For changing the order of the table, please click on the column headings.
The canons indicated in the column "Related Norms" depend on the version of the respective Code which was in force when the indicated reply was given. Therefore, with regard to cann. 1364-1399 and 1671-1691, one and the same canon number may refer to different norms, according to the date of the reply.

  CIC    CCEO    Other Legal Sources  

Related NormTopicBookVolume (and Pages)


1 CIC Apostolic Constitution Sacrae disciplinae leges, 25 January 1983 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1 CIC Other Churches: 1) Chaldean 2) Maronite 3) Melchite 4) Syro-Malabar 5) Ukranian Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
2 CIC Designation of a cathedral church as a minor basilica, 17 December 1986. Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
2 CIC Designation of a cathedral church as a minor basilica, 17 December 1986 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
2 CIC Limited Permission Granted for Use of 1962, Missale Romanum Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
2 CIC CDW, The New Latin Edition of the Texts for the Chant of the Lord’s Passion, February 8, 1989 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
3 CIC Securing the civil effects in Italy of a tribunal declaration of nullity of marriage Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
3 CIC Concordats: 1) Haiti 2) Italy 3) Morocco Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
3 CIC Fundamental Agreement between the Holy See and the State of Israel, December 30, 1993 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
6 CIC John Paul II, Allocution to the Roman Rota, Interpreting Law in Light of Tradition, January 30, 1993 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
7 CIC Revised Code Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
8 CIC Particular Legislation: Promulgation of Complementary Norms by Episcopal Conferences Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
8 CIC 1) Implementing Complementary Norms 2) Particular Legislation: Promulgation of Complementary Norms by Episcopal Conferences Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
9; 515; 520 CIC Parishes United Pleno lure to Clerical Institutes of Consecrated Life Roman Replies 2010, pp. 5-10
13 CIC Cong. for the Clergy, Statement on Father Nicholas Gruner, October 4, 1992 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
17 CIC John Paul II, Adress to Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland on Canon Law as a Pastoral Service, May 22, 1992 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
19 CIC John Paul II, Allocution to the Roman Rota, Application of Law and the Role of Roman Jurisprudence, January 23, 1992 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
37; 48; 50; 51; 57; 114; 120; 515 §§ 2-3; 526; 1734; 1737; 1222 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church to Profane but not Unbecoming Use Roman Replies 2011, pp. 5-10
41; 62; 71 CIC Dispensation from the Obligations of the Clerical State Roman Replies 2008, pp. 5-7
37; 48; 50; 51; 57; 114; 120; 515 §§ 2-3; 526; 1734; 1737; 1222 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church to Profane but not Unbecoming Use Roman Replies 2011, pp. 5-10
37; 48; 50; 51; 57; 114; 120; 515 §§ 2-3; 526; 1734; 1737; 1222 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church to Profane but not Unbecoming Use Roman Replies 2011, pp. 5-10
50; 51; 515 § 2; 1214; 1222 § 2 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church Roman Replies 2011, pp. 11-14
50; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2 CIC Supression of a Parish and Closure of a Parish Church Roman Replies 2012, pp. 5-9
50-51; 120-123; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2 CIC Procedural Guidelines for the Modification of Parishes and Closure of Parish Churches Roman Replies 2013, pp. 5-12
37; 48; 50; 51; 57; 114; 120; 515 §§ 2-3; 526; 1734; 1737; 1222 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church to Profane but not Unbecoming Use Roman Replies 2011, pp. 5-10
50; 51; 515 § 2; 1214; 1222 § 2 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church Roman Replies 2011, pp. 11-14
51; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2; 1292 § 2; 1734 CIC Closing a Church and Relegation of the Church to Profane but non Sordid Use Roman Replies 2013, pp. 13-17
56 CIC / Sacramentum sanctitatis tutela Notification of Priest of Dispensation from Priestly Obligations Including Celibacy Roman Replies 2009, pp. 5-11
37; 48; 50; 51; 57; 114; 120; 515 §§ 2-3; 526; 1734; 1737; 1222 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church to Profane but not Unbecoming Use Roman Replies 2011, pp. 5-10
58 CIC CDF, Declaration of Nullity of a Decree Declarin a Latae Sententiae Excommunication, 1993 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
41; 62; 71 CIC Dispensation from the Obligations of the Clerical State Roman Replies 2008, pp. 5-7
62 CIC Validity of the Dispensation from the Obligations of the Clerical State Roman Replies 2016, pp. 5-7
41; 62; 71 CIC Dispensation from the Obligations of the Clerical State Roman Replies 2008, pp. 5-7
76 CIC Conferral of pontifical Honors Roman Replies 2009, pp. 12-17
87 CIC Competence of diocesan bishop to permit a lay person to preach the homily at Mass Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
87 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Dispensing Power Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
110; 111 CIC / 29; 2, 2° CCEO Inscription in the Latin Church of a Child Baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church Adopted by Latin Parents Roman Replies 2011, pp. 15-17
110; 111 CIC / 29; 2, 2° CCEO Inscription in the Latin Church of a Child Baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church Adopted by Latin Parents Roman Replies 2011, pp. 15-17
112 CIC Reception of a Russian Orthodox into the Latin Rite (Private) Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
112 CIC Secratary of State, Presumed Permission of Apostolic See for a Transfer of Churches, November 26, 1992 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
37; 48; 50; 51; 57; 114; 120; 515 §§ 2-3; 526; 1734; 1737; 1222 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church to Profane but not Unbecoming Use Roman Replies 2011, pp. 5-10
119 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Elections Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
37; 48; 50; 51; 57; 114; 120; 515 §§ 2-3; 526; 1734; 1737; 1222 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church to Profane but not Unbecoming Use Roman Replies 2011, pp. 5-10
120 CIC Perpetuity of a Juridic Person Roman Replies 2000, pp. 7-9
50-51; 120-123; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2 CIC Procedural Guidelines for the Modification of Parishes and Closure of Parish Churches Roman Replies 2013, pp. 5-12
121; 123; 515 § 2; 516; 1222; 1255 CIC Supression of Territorial and Personal Parishes Roman Replies 2010, pp. 11-32
123 CIC Regarding the Suppression and Merger of Parishes Roman Replies 2006, pp. 13-15
121; 123; 515 § 2; 516; 1222; 1255 CIC Supression of Territorial and Personal Parishes Roman Replies 2010, pp. 11-32
124-126; 1117 CIC Meaning of "Formal Defection from Catholic Church" and its implication for the valid canonical form for marriage Roman Replies 2007, p. 7
127 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Superior and Consent Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
50; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2 CIC Supression of a Parish and Closure of a Parish Church Roman Replies 2012, pp. 5-9
50-51; 120-123; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2 CIC Procedural Guidelines for the Modification of Parishes and Closure of Parish Churches Roman Replies 2013, pp. 5-12
51; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2; 1292 § 2; 1734 CIC Closing a Church and Relegation of the Church to Profane but non Sordid Use Roman Replies 2013, pp. 13-17
127; 166; 627; 631 CIC Regarding the Use of Telecommunications for Sharing between Members of Institutes and Societies Roman Replies 2020, pp. 13-15
127; 166 CIC Regarding the Use of TelecOlmnunications for the Convocation of Various Ecclesiastical Structures Roman Replies 2020, pp. 16-17
131 § 1; 382; 435; 436 § 3; 1014 CIC Authority of the Metropolitan Bishop within his Suffragan Dioceses Roman Replies 2016, pp. 8-9
134, 601, 1319, 1734-1737 CIC Imposition of a Precept of Obedience by the Superior General of a Women’s Religious Institute on a Member Roman Replies 2013, pp. 18-24
134; 381 § 2; 368 CIC Clarification of the term "Diocesan Bishop" Roman Replies 2018, pp. 11-12
153 CIC Term of office of superior general and general council Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
127; 166; 627; 631 CIC Regarding the Use of Telecommunications for Sharing between Members of Institutes and Societies Roman Replies 2020, pp. 13-15
127; 166 CIC Regarding the Use of TelecOlmnunications for the Convocation of Various Ecclesiastical Structures Roman Replies 2020, pp. 16-17
180-183 CIC Request for Dispensation for Possible Postulation Roman Replies 2009, pp. 18-19
181 CIC Postulation Roman Replies 2012, p. 10
182; 625 § 2 CIC Anticipated Postulation in a Sui Iuris Monastery Roman Replies 1994, pp. 3-4
204 CIC CDF, Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of the Church Understood as Communion Communionis notio, May 28, 1992 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
205 CIC John Paul II, Address on Communio to Carinals at Consistory Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
206 CIC National Statutes for the Catechumenate Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
208 CIC Obligation and Rights Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
208 CIC Concerns Expressed about NCCB’s Draft Pastoral Letter on Women Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
213 CIC NCCB, Guidelines for Celebration of the Sacraments with Person with Disabilities, June 15-17, 1995 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
214 CIC Place of Eucharistic Celebration Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
214 CIC 1) Charismatic Renewal 2) Right to Worship 3) Christian Meditation Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
214 CIC Jphn Paul II, Two Rites: A Call for Reconciliation Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
218 CIC Moral Theology Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
220 CIC Diocesan Bishops obligate Priests to submit to Background Checks by Civil Authorities Roman Replies 2005, pp. 7-9
220 CIC The reputation of a religious institute attacked by rumors Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
220 CIC CDF, Some Consideration Concerning the Response to Legislative Proposals on the Non-Discrimination of Homosexual Persons, revised statement issued on uly, 22, 1992 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
220 CIC Psychological Evaluations and the Right to Privacy Roman Replies 2012, p. 11
220 CIC Publication of Names of Condemned Clerics in Civil or Ecclesiastical Processes Due to Abuse of Minors Roman Replies 2017, pp. 5-9
221 CIC Hierarchical Recourse Against a Decree of a Bishop Claiming Violation of Rights Roman Replies 2003, pp. 7-9
223 § 2 CIC The Common Good and the Imposition of Temporary Limits on the Exercise of Priestly Ministry Roman Replies 2008, pp. 8-11
224 CIC Apostolic Exhortation on the Laity (Christifideles Laici) Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
224 CIC 1) Vatican II 2) Laity Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
225 CIC John Paul II, Address on the Laity and Necessary Church Renewal Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
226 CIC Parents’ Rights in their Children’s Catechesis Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
226 CIC Marriage, Family and Human Sexuality Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
227 CIC Obligation of celibacy and Permanent Deacons Roman Replies 2011, pp. 18-20
227 CIC Ethical Concerns Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
230 CIC Particular Legislation: Lectors and Acolytes Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
230 CIC Particular Legislation: Age and Qualifications for Installation of Lectors and Acolytes Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
230 CIC 1) PCILT, Authentic Interpretation: Alter Servers, June 6, 1994 2) NZBC, Decree Establishing Requisite Qualities for Those to be Admitted to the Ministries of Lector and Alcolyte, October 1994 3) CDW, Circular Etter to the Presidents of Conferences of Bishops on the Liturgical Service of the Laity, March 15, 1994 4) John Paul Ii, Address on the Degree of Participation of the Laity in the Pastora Ministry of the Priest, April 22, 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
230 § 1 CIC Complimentary Legislation Concerning the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte Roman Replies 2000, pp. 9-10
230 § 1 CIC Regarding the Minister Responsible for the Establishment of the Ministries of Acolyte and Lector Roman Replies 2021, pp. 13-14
232 CIC John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation on Priestly formation Pastores dabo vobis Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
233 CIC Family Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
233 CIC John Paul II, Address on Seminaries and the Urgent Need for Priests Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
235 CIC William Cardinal Wakefield Baum, The Apostolic Visitation of Seminaries in the USA Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
236 CIC Directives regarding the Permanent Diaconate Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
236 CIC Particular Legislation: Formation for permanent deacons Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
236 CIC NZBC, Decree Indication Program of Formation for Permanent Deacons, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
237 CIC Particular Legislation: Statutes for Major Seminary Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
239 CIC Cong. for the Clergy, Directives Concerning the Preparation of seminary Educators Tra i vari mezzi, November 4, 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
241 CIC Admission to the Seminary Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
242 CIC Particular Legislation: Program of Priestly Formation Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
242 CIC Particular Legislation: Program for Priestly Formation Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
242 CIC NZBZ, Decree Indicating the Approved "Charter of Priestly Formation", October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
248 CIC CCE, Guide to the Training of future Priests Concerning the Instruments of Social Communications Dio somme bene, March 19, 1986 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
252 CIC Circular letter concerning studies of the Oriental Churches Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
252 CIC CCE, Forming Seminarians for Ministry to Marriage and Family La celebrazione, March 19, 1995 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
259 CIC U.S. Seminaries Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
272; 1018 § 1, 2°-§ 2 CIC The Competency of a Diocesan Administrator to Grant Dimissorial Letters Roman Replies 2014, pp. 9-10
273-289; 976; 978 § 2; 1055-1140 CIC Regarding a Cleric’s Petition for Dispensation and the Restrictions Imposed When He Is Returned to the Lay State Roman Replies 2023, pp. 11-13
275 CIC Collaboration Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
276 CIC 1) Holy Thursday Letters to Priests 2) Particular Legislation: Recitation of the Divine Office by Permanent Deacons Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
276 CIC Particular Legislation: Recitation of Liturgy of Hours by Permanent Deacons Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
276 CIC 1) Cong. for the Clergy, Directory for the Ministry and Life of Priests Dives Ecclesiae, March 31, 1994 2) NZBE, Decree Establishing Obligation of Permanent Deacons to Carry Out the Liturgy of the Hours, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
277 CIC John Paul II, The New Catechism and Priestly Celibacy Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
277 § 1 CIC Married Permanent Deacons and Observance of Perfect and Perpetual Continence Roman Replies 2012, pp. 12-14
281 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing Criteria for Bishops’ Provisions for Infirm, Elderly and Retired Priests, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
281 § 1 CIC Cleric’s Right to Remuneration Roman Replies 2014, pp. 11-15
282 § 1 CIC Priest’s Remuneration Fund - Conformity of Particular and Universal Law Roman Replies 2001, pp. 7-12
284 CIC Particular Legislation: Clerical Dress Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
284 CIC Particular Legislation: Clerical Dress Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
284 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing Criteria for Clerical Dress, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
285 CIC Public Office Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
285 §§ 1-2 CIC Civil Adoption by Clerics obligated by the Law of Celibacy Prohibited Roman Replies 2004, pp. 7-8
288 CIC Particular Legislation: Application of Clergy Prescriptions to Permanent Deacons Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
290 CIC Chance of Competence in Laicization Cases Roman Replies 2005, p. 10
290 CIC Dispensation from Religious Vows and Laicization Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
290 CIC 1) Cong. for the Clergy and CDF, Dispensation from the Obligation of Celibacy for Priests and Deacons 2) CDW, Loss of the Clerical State through a rescript of the Apostolic See 3) CDW, Dispensation from Priestly Obligations Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
290 CIC Retention of Documents Relative to Dispensed Priests Roman Replies 2001, pp. 12-13
290, 3° CIC Loss of the clerical state through rescript of the Apostolic See Roman Replies 1995, pp. 6-8
290 CIC Dispensation from the Obligations of Ordination Roman Replies 2012, pp. 15-17
290 CIC / Special Faculties for the Congregation for the Clergy Loss of the Clerical State and Dispensation from Sacred Celibacy and All the Obligations Connected with Sacred Ordination Roman Replies 2012, pp. 18-20
290 CIC Dispensation from the Obligations of the Clerical State Roman Replies 2013, pp. 25-27
291 CIC Dispensation from the Obligation of Celibacy Roman Replies 1997, pp. 6-13
291 CIC CDW, Dispensation from the Obligation of Celibacy Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
292 CIC Revised Laicization Rescript Roman Replies 2001, pp. 14-22
292 CIC Laicized Priest who Violates the Terms of His Rescript Roman Replies 2000, pp. 10-16
293 CIC Readmission to Clerical State for Former Transitory Deacon Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
293 CIC Readmission to Active Priestly Ministry Roman Replies 2001, pp. 22-26
293 CIC Dispensation for Transitional Deacon who was Laicized and Married to be Admitted to the Permanent Deaconate Roman Replies 2013, pp. 28-30
298 CIC Communione E Liberazione Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
299 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Juridic Personality of an Aggregate of Persons Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
303; 313; 677 § 2 CIC Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith on "Opus Angelorum" Roman Replies 2011, pp. 21-23
303; 603; 604; 607 CIC CDW, Clarification of Canonical Status Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
303; 311 CIC Tertiaries and a Religious Institute Roman Replies 2018, pp. 13-14
303; 311 CIC Tertiaries and a Religious Institute Roman Replies 2018, pp. 13-14
303; 313; 677 § 2 CIC Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith on "Opus Angelorum" Roman Replies 2011, pp. 21-23
319 CIC Particular Legislation: Associations of the Christian Faithful Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
332 CIC June 2007: A changed provision in the election of apope Roman Replies 2007, p. 7
333 CIC John Paul II, Apostolic Trips Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
333 CIC John Paul II, On the Preparation for the Jubilee Year 2000 Tertio millennio adveniente Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
336 CIC Collegiality Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
338 CIC Nicaea Ii Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
342 CIC 1983 Synod on Reconciliation Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
343; 344 CIC 1) 1987 Synod of Bishops 2) 1990 Synod of Bishops Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
343; 344 CIC 1) 1987 Synod of Bishops 2) 1990 Synod of Bishops Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
346 CIC PCILT, Authentic Interpretation: Episcopal Elections to Synod, December 3, 1991 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
350 CIC 1983 Synod on Reconciliation Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
351 CIC Consistory Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
360 CIC Apostolic Constitution Pastor bonus 28 June 1988 (with Appendix) Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
360 CIC The Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship is Divided into Two Congregations Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
360 CIC 1) Letters from the Apostolic Signatura Regarding the 1991 Edition of Roman Replies 2) General Regulations of the Roman Curia Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
363 CIC The Role of the Apostolic Pro-Nuncio Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
134; 381 § 2; 368 CIC Clarification of the term "Diocesan Bishop" Roman Replies 2018, pp. 11-12
377 CIC Particular Legislation: Nominees for Episcopal Appointment Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
134; 381 § 2; 368 CIC Clarification of the term "Diocesan Bishop" Roman Replies 2018, pp. 11-12
131 § 1; 382; 435; 436 § 3; 1014 CIC Authority of the Metropolitan Bishop within his Suffragan Dioceses Roman Replies 2016, pp. 8-9
383 § 1 CIC Instruction “to Bishops on the Care of Homosexual Persons", 1 October 1986 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
383 CIC Report on Sects, Cults, and New Religious Movements, 7 May 1986 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
399 CIC Quinquennial faculties, July/August 1986 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
400 CIC Ad limina visits Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
402 CIC Particular Legislation: Provision for Resigned Bishop Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
402 § 1 CIC Cong. for Bishops, Norms on Bishops Leaving Office, October 31, 1988 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
403 CIC Visitation of the Archdiocese of Seattle, September 1985 – December 1988 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
413 CIC Provision for governance of the impeded see, 12 November 1987 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
434 CIC 1) The presidency of episcopal conferences 2) Authentic Interpretation: Capacity of Auxiliary Bishop for Presidency of Episcopal Conference, 23 May 1988 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
131 § 1; 382; 435; 436 § 3; 1014 CIC Authority of the Metropolitan Bishop within his Suffragan Dioceses Roman Replies 2016, pp. 8-9
131 § 1; 382; 435; 436 § 3; 1014 CIC Authority of the Metropolitan Bishop within his Suffragan Dioceses Roman Replies 2016, pp. 8-9
447 CIC 1) Pastoral Letter on the Economy 2) Pastoral Letter on Peace 3) Statement on AIDS Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
447 CIC Mission Statement, Goals, and Objective Priorities of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and United States Catholic Conference Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
451 CIC Particular Legislation: Statutes for Episcopal Conferences Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
455 CIC Authentic Interpretation: General Executory Decrees Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
459 CIC Particular Legislation: Relations with Other Episcopal Conferences Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
486 CIC Tribunal records Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
496 CIC Particular Legislation: Statutes for Presbyteral Councils Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
496 CIC Particular Legislation: Statutes for Presbyteral Councils Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
496 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing Norms for the Statutes of Presbyteral Councils, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
502 CIC Particular Legislation: Entrusting Responsibilities either to College of Consultors or Chapter of Canons Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
502 CIC 1) Authentic Interpretation: College of Consultors 2) Particular Legislation: Entrusting Responsibilities either to College of Consultors or Chapters of Canons Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
509 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Election of President of Chapter of Canons Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
511 CIC John Paul II, Ad limina Address on Consultative Structures in the Church, October 2, 1993 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
9; 515; 520 CIC Parishes United Pleno lure to Clerical Institutes of Consecrated Life Roman Replies 2010, pp. 5-10
121; 123; 515 § 2; 516; 1222; 1255 CIC Supression of Territorial and Personal Parishes Roman Replies 2010, pp. 11-32
37; 48; 50; 51; 57; 114; 120; 515 §§ 2-3; 526; 1734; 1737; 1222 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church to Profane but not Unbecoming Use Roman Replies 2011, pp. 5-10
50; 51; 515 § 2; 1214; 1222 § 2 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church Roman Replies 2011, pp. 11-14
515 § 2; 1222 CIC Merger of Parishes Roman Replies 2011, pp. 24-26
515 CIC John Paul II, Ad limina Addresses on Parishes Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
50; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2 CIC Supression of a Parish and Closure of a Parish Church Roman Replies 2012, pp. 5-9
50-51; 120-123; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2 CIC Procedural Guidelines for the Modification of Parishes and Closure of Parish Churches Roman Replies 2013, pp. 5-12
51; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2; 1292 § 2; 1734 CIC Closing a Church and Relegation of the Church to Profane but non Sordid Use Roman Replies 2013, pp. 13-17
121; 123; 515 § 2; 516; 1222; 1255 CIC Supression of Territorial and Personal Parishes Roman Replies 2010, pp. 11-32
9; 515; 520 CIC Parishes United Pleno lure to Clerical Institutes of Consecrated Life Roman Replies 2010, pp. 5-10
522 CIC Particular Legislation: Stability of Pastors Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
522 CIC Particular Legislation: Appointment of Pastors Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
37; 48; 50; 51; 57; 114; 120; 515 §§ 2-3; 526; 1734; 1737; 1222 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church to Profane but not Unbecoming Use Roman Replies 2011, pp. 5-10
528 CIC Liturgical Training Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
530, 4°; 1055 § 1 CIC Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to a Dubium Regarding the Blessing of the Unions of Persons of the Same Sex Roman Replies 2021, pp. 15-18
535 CIC Parish Registers Roman Replies 2008, p. 12
535 CIC Particular Legislation: Parish Books Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
535 CIC Particular Legislation: Parish Registers Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
535 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing NOrms for Register of Confirmations, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
538 CIC Particular Legislation: Sustenance for Retired Clergy Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
538 CIC Particular Legislation: Sustenance for Retired Clergy Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
564 CIC Patron Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
568 CIC 1) Instruction regarding Pastoral Commitment for Mis and Refugees, Undated. Congregation for Religious and Institutes of Consecrated Life 2) Migration Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
569 CIC Spiritual Care of the Military, 21 April 1986 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
573 CIC 1994 Synod of Bishops on Consecrates Life Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
576 CIC Directives on Religious Formation, 2 February 1990 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
578; 607; 631 CIC Marist Brothers, Allocution at general chapter on spirituality of founder, and community life Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
578; 588 §§ 1 & 3 CIC CICLSAL, Fidelity to the Patrimonity of Clerical and Lay Institutes Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
579 CIC Requlrements for the Erection of Areligious Institute of Diocesan Rite Roman Replies 2006, pp. 15-16
579 CIC 1) CICLSAL, Erection of a Diocesan Institute 2) CICLSAL, the Founding of a New Religious Institute of Traditional Spirituality Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
579 CIC The founding of a new religious institute of traditional spirituality Roman Replies 1995, p. 9
579; 587 § 2; 595 § 1 CIC Erection of a Public Association of the Faithful as a Religious Institute of Diocesan Right Roman Replies 2013, pp. 31-33
579 CIC Prior Consultation with the Holy See for the Erection of Diocesan Institutes Roman Replies 2016, pp. 10-11
581 CIC Revision of Constitutions/Erectionof Province Roman Replies 1997, pp. 13-14
581 CIC CICLSAL, Restructuring the Parts of an Institute Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
582 CIC Erection of a Federation of Religious Institutes and Provinces Roman Replies 2005, pp. 11-13
582; 690 CIC Readmission to an Institute after Its Union Roman Replies 1997, pp. 14-15
582 CIC Union of Several Religious Institutes Roman Replies 2007, pp. 15-17
582 CIC 1) Amalgamation of two religious institutes, 20 January 1986 2) The reunion of two religious institutes, 24 January 1986 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
582 CIC Merger of an Institute of Diocesan Right with an Institute of Pontifical Right Roman Replies 2004, pp. 8-10
582 CIC Merger of an Institute of Diocesan Right with an Institute of Pontifical Right Roman Replies 2002, pp. 7-8
583; 624 § 1 CIC CICLSAL, Constitutive Changes in Governance Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
587 CIC Transitional Norms for Institutes of Consecrated Life Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
579; 587 § 2; 595 § 1 CIC Erection of a Public Association of the Faithful as a Religious Institute of Diocesan Right Roman Replies 2013, pp. 31-33
588 CIC Lay Brothers in Religious Institutes, 24 January 1986 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
588; 631 CIC Redemptorists, Allocution at general chapter on charism, prayer. clerical and lay membership Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
578; 588 §§ 1 & 3 CIC CICLSAL, Fidelity to the Patrimonity of Clerical and Lay Institutes Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
588 §§ 1-2 CIC Confirmation of Provinclal Superior Denied Roman Replies 2003, pp. 10-11
588 § 2 CIC Lay Brother Permitted to Local Superior in Clerical Religious Institute Roman Replies 2001, p. 27
589 CIC Procedure for Relgious Institute of Diocesan Right to Obtain Pontifical Right Status Roman Replies 2004, pp. 10-12
590 CIC Religious Life Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
592 § 2 CIC Report of the State and Life of a Religious Institute Roman Replies 2006, pp. 17-18
592 CIC Letter to Supreme Moderators, 2 January 1988 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
592 CIC Supreme Moderator Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
595 CIC CICLSAL, Diocesan Right Institute Established in Another Diocese Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
579; 587 § 2; 595 § 1 CIC Erection of a Public Association of the Faithful as a Religious Institute of Diocesan Right Roman Replies 2013, pp. 31-33
602 CIC CICLSAL, Instruction on Fraternal Life in Commununity, "Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor", February 2, 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
603 CIC Religious Petitioning for Acceptance as a Hermit Roman Replies 1997, pp. 15-16
303; 603; 604; 607 CIC CDW, Clarification of Canonical Status Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
303; 603; 604; 607 CIC CDW, Clarification of Canonical Status Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
605 CIC Norms concerning the formation of members of Religious Institutes Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
578; 607; 631 CIC Marist Brothers, Allocution at general chapter on spirituality of founder, and community life Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
303; 603; 604; 607 CIC CDW, Clarification of Canonical Status Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
616 § 4 CIC Suppression of a Sui Iuris Monastery of Nuns Roman Replies 2009, pp. 20-21
616 § 4 CIC Supression of a Monastery Roman Replies 2010, p. 33
616 § 1; 638 § 3 CIC CEC, Provision for Alienation in Statutes of Academy Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
616 § 1; 638 § 3 CIC Provision for Alienation in Statutes of Academy Roman Replies 1994, p. 5
617 CIC Appointment of a Pontificai Commissary ad nutum Sanctae Sedes Roman Replies 2015, pp. 5-8
583; 624 § 1 CIC CICLSAL, Constitutive Changes in Governance Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
624 CIC Re-election of a Provincial in a Religious Institute Roman Replies 2017, pp. 10-11
182; 625 § 2 CIC Anticipated Postulation in a Sui Iuris Monastery Roman Replies 1994, pp. 3-4
627 CIC CICLSAL, The Role of the General Council in the Governance of a Religious Institute Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
127; 166; 627; 631 CIC Regarding the Use of Telecommunications for Sharing between Members of Institutes and Societies Roman Replies 2020, pp. 13-15
578; 607; 631 CIC Marist Brothers, Allocution at general chapter on spirituality of founder, and community life Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
588; 631 CIC Redemptorists, Allocution at general chapter on charism, prayer. clerical and lay membership Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
631 CIC 1) CICLSAL, Letter and Normsfor Elections for the Confederation of Latin American Religious, January 19, 1991 2) Norms for the Elections At the General Assembly of Clar in Mexico City, February 1991 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
631 CIC All Perpetually Professed Members as Capitulars in the General Chapter Roman Replies 2001, pp. 28-29
127; 166; 627; 631 CIC Regarding the Use of Telecommunications for Sharing between Members of Institutes and Societies Roman Replies 2020, pp. 13-15
631-633 CIC Postponement of General and Provincial Chapter Roman Replies 2020, p. 18
631 §§ 1-2; 632 CIC Regarding the Use of Telecommunications for the Convocation of Collegial or Similar Bodies Roman Replies 2021, pp. 19-22
631 §§ 1-2; 632 CIC Regarding the Use of Telecommunications for the Convocation of Collegial or Similar Bodies Roman Replies 2021, pp. 19-22
638 § 3 CIC Amount Defined by the Apostolic See for Alienations and Transactions that Jeopardize the Patrimonial Condition of a religious Institute or Society of Apostolic Life Roman Replies 2005, pp. 13-15
616 § 1; 638 § 3 CIC CEC, Provision for Alienation in Statutes of Academy Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
638 § 3; 1292 § 2 CIC CICLSAL, Maximum Amount for Alienation of Church Goods Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
638 § 3; 1292; 1293; 1294 CIC CICLSAL, Leasing and Alienation of Property Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
638-639 CIC CICLSAL, Rescript for Loans and Alienation of Property of Religious Instituts Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
616 § 1; 638 § 3 CIC Provision for Alienation in Statutes of Academy Roman Replies 1994, p. 5
638 § 3 CIC Request of a Debt Ceiling Roman Replies 2012, p. 21
638 §§ 3,4; 1293 CIC Interpretation of Guidelines on Temporal Goods for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life Roman Replies 2019, pp. 11-15
643 CIC 1) Husband and Wife Request the Necessary Dispensations From the Holy See To Enter Religious Life 2) Admission to Religious Institute 3) Temporary Profession Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
643 CIC CICLSAL, Dispensation from Impediment of Marriage Bond to Enter a Novitiate and Decree of Permanent Separation for Innocent Spouse Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
643 § 1, 2° CIC Dispensation from the Impediment of the Bond of Marriage Roman Replies 2002, pp. 9-11
647 CIC Erection of Two Novitiates Roman Replies 1997, pp. 16-17
651 § 1 CIC CICLSAL, Canonical Novitiate Carried Out in Another Institute Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
656 CIC CICLSAL, Valid Novitiate Required for Valid Profession Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
657 § 1; 656; 658 CIC Living the religious Life without temporary vows Roman Replies 2004, pp. 12-14
656, 2° CIC Admission to Former Anglican Priests in a Religious Order Roman Replies 2001, pp. 29-30
657 § 1; 656; 658 CIC Living the religious Life without temporary vows Roman Replies 2004, pp. 12-14
657 § 1; 656; 658 CIC Living the religious Life without temporary vows Roman Replies 2004, pp. 12-14
659 CIC Study Centers and Houses of Religious Formation Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
665 § 1 CIC Extension of Absence from a House of the Institute Roman Replies 1998, p. 6
667 § 3 CIC and Verbi Sponsa: Perrnission for Absence for the Duration of Necessity for a Contemplative Nun Roman Replies 2009, p. 22
667 § 3 CIC Relocation of a Community of Nuns and Observance of Papal Cloister Roman Replies 2005, pp. 15-18
674 CIC Remarks to General Chapter Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
676 CIC Women Religious and Prophetic Witness Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
303; 313; 677 § 2 CIC Congregation for Doctrine of the Faith on "Opus Angelorum" Roman Replies 2011, pp. 21-23
682 § 1 CIC PCILT, Presentation of Religious for Ecclesiastical Office Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
682 § 1 CIC Presentation of Religious for Ecclesiastical Office Roman Replies 1994, pp. 6-10
684 § 1 CIC Request for Transfer Denied by Superior General Roman Replies 1997, pp. 17-18
684 § 5 CIC Transfer from a Religious Institute to a Secular Institute Roman Replies 2006, pp. 18-19
684 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Definition of “Religious”, 20 June 1987 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
684-685 CIC CICLSAL, Transfer to a Former Institute Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
684-685 CIC Transfer to a Former Institute Roman Replies 1994, pp. 10-11
686 § 3 CIC Exclaustration Imposed for One Year Roman Replies 1998, p. 7
686 § 3 CIC Imposed Exclaustration Roman Replies 2011, p. 27
686 § 1 CIC CICLSAL, Exlaustration for the Duration of Necessity Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
686 § 1 CIC Extension of an Indult of Exclaustration Roman Replies 2018, pp. 15-16
582; 690 CIC Readmission to an Institute after Its Union Roman Replies 1997, pp. 14-15
690 CIC Readmission to the Institute and the Time of Temporary Profession Roman Replies 2003, pp. 11-12
691; 692; 702 CIC Definitive Departure from a Sul Iuris Monastery Roman Replies 2005, pp. 18-19
691; 693 CIC Denial of Dispensation Without Benevolentbishop Roman Replies 2006, pp. 19-20
691; 693 CIC Indult of Departure and Incardination into a Diocese Roman Replies 1999, pp. 7-9
691 CIC Procedure for the Separation of Members from Their Institute Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
691 CIC Procedures for the Separation of Members from Their Institute Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
691 CIC CDW, Dispensation from Priestly Celibacy and Vows of Religious Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
691 CIC A Priest in Clerical Religious Institute Seeking Formal Departure from the Institute and Sacred Ministry who Intends to Maintain Promises of Celibacy and Continence Roman Replies 2000, pp. 16-18
691; 692; 702 CIC Definitive Departure from a Sul Iuris Monastery Roman Replies 2005, pp. 18-19
693 CIC Definition for an Indult of Separation Ad Experimentum Roman Replies 2010, p. 34
691; 693 CIC Denial of Dispensation Without Benevolentbishop Roman Replies 2006, pp. 19-20
693 CIC Departure of Cleric without Reception by a Bishop Roman Replies 1997, pp. 18-19
691; 693 CIC Indult of Departure and Incardination into a Diocese Roman Replies 1999, pp. 7-9
693 CIC 1) Diocesan incardination vis-à-vis dispensation from religious vows 2) Dispensation from Religious Vows and Laicization Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
693; 700; 701; 702 § 2 CIC Indult of Departure or Decree of Dismissal Roman Replies 2003, pp. 13-15
693 CIC Priest Seeking Fonnal Departure from Religious Institute Accepted Pure et Simp!iciter by Diocesan Bishop Roman Replies 2000, pp. 18-20
694-704 CIC Dismissal of Member Roman Replies 1996, pp. 6-8
694 § 1, 3° CIC Regarding the Application of Ipso Facto Dismissal of a Religious for Illegitimate Absence Roman Replies 2020, pp. 19-27
696 CIC 1) Involvement of Religious in the Signing of an Abortion Ad 2) Decree of Dismissal of Religious Priest, 2 January 1987 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
696 CIC Dismissal Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
696 § 1; 700 CIC Perpetually Professed Cleric Dismissed for Unlawful Absence Roman Replies 2000, pp. 20-23
700 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Decree of Dismissal of Religious and Competent Authority to Receive Recourse, 17 May 1986 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
693; 700; 701; 702 § 2 CIC Indult of Departure or Decree of Dismissal Roman Replies 2003, pp. 13-15
696 § 1; 700 CIC Perpetually Professed Cleric Dismissed for Unlawful Absence Roman Replies 2000, pp. 20-23
693; 700; 701; 702 § 2 CIC Indult of Departure or Decree of Dismissal Roman Replies 2003, pp. 13-15
691; 692; 702 CIC Definitive Departure from a Sul Iuris Monastery Roman Replies 2005, pp. 18-19
702 CIC Support for a Separated Member of a Religious Institute Roman Replies 2009, p. 23
693; 700; 701; 702 § 2 CIC Indult of Departure or Decree of Dismissal Roman Replies 2003, pp. 13-15
705 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Participation of Religious Bishop in his Own Institute, 17 May 1986 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
708 CIC Particular Legislation: Relationship of Episcopal Conference to Conference of Major Superiors Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
708; 709 CIC Doctrinal Assessment of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious Roman Replies 2012, pp. 22-33
709 CIC The Conference of Major Superiors of France Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
709 CIC CICLSAL, Decree Erecting the Council of Major Superiors of Women Reigious, June 13, 1992 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
708; 709 CIC Doctrinal Assessment of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious Roman Replies 2012, pp. 22-33
710 CIC Secular Institutes Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
722 § 2 CIC Complementary Legislation Regarding Lay Teaching on Radio and Television Roman Replies 2002, pp. 13-14
747 CIC 1) Politics and Tax-exempt Status 2) Statement on Employer Sanctions Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
747 CIC 1) Dissent 2) Teaching Office 3) Bishops and Theologians Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
747 CIC The Church’s Teaching Office - Prohibition of Direct Sterilization Roman Replies 2000, pp. 24-25
750 CIC CDF, Note Dopo uno studio on the Book The Sexual Creators: An Eth Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
751; 1364 CIC Formal Act of Defection from the Catholic Church Roman Replies 2008, pp. 13-15
752 CIC Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian, 24 May 1990 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
752 CIC Pont. Biblical Comm., The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
754 CIC 1) Faith and Inculturation 2) On Christian Liberation and Freedom Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
755; 844 CIC On Ecumenism and "The Doctrine of Church" Roman Replies 2007, pp. 28-32
755 CIC 1) a Meeting of the Pope and Canterbury’s Archbishop 2) Women’s Ordination and the Progress of Ecumenism 3) New Context for Discussing Anglican Orders 4) Criteria for Ecumenical and Inter-religious Cooperation in Communications 5) Particular Legislation: Participation in the Ecumenical Movement Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
755 CIC Ecumenism Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
755 CIC 1) Common Declaration of Pope John Paul II and His Holiness Mar Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, June 23, 1984 2) PCID and CEP, Isntruction Venticinique anni va on the Proclamation of the Gospel and the Dialogue among Religions 3) CDF and PCPCU, Catholic Response the the Final Report of ARCIC I, December 5, 1991 3) PCPCU, Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism, March 25, 1993 4) John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Orientale lumen, on the centenary of the Letter Orientalium dignitas, May 2, 1995 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
756 CIC Address Regarding Organ Donation Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
756 CIC written statement on traditions of Jewish history Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
766 CIC Particular Legislation: Lay Preaching Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
766 CIC Particular Legislation: Lay Preaching Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
766 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing NOrms fpr Lay Preaching, OCtober 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
766 CIC Complementary Legislation Concerning La Y Preaching Roman Replies 2002, pp. 11-12
767 § 1 CIC Seminarians Permitted to Preach During Mass Roman Replies 1999, pp. 9-10
767 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Reservation of Homily to Priests or Deacons Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
767 § 1 CIC Seminarians Not Permitted to Preach the Homily During Mass Roman Replies 2000, pp. 25-26
772 CIC Particular Legislation: Radio and Television Preaching on Christian Doctrine Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
772 CIC Particular Legislation: Radio and Television Preaching on Christian Doctrine Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
773; 785 CIC Catechesis, Allocution on catechumenate and pennanent Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
773 CIC John Paul II, Apostolic Constitution Fidei depositum on the Publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, October 11, 1992 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
775 CIC 1) New Creation Sex Education Series 2) Guidelines on Doctrine for Catechetical Materials 3) Particular Legislation: Evangelization and Catechesis through Electronic Media Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
780 CIC Catechists, Address on doctrinal preparation needed for Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
781 CIC Missionary Activities Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
781 CIC 1) Evangelization 2) Missionary Activity Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
782 CIC Responsibility of All Bishops for Missionary Activity Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
782 CIC John Paul II, Encyclical on Missionary Activity Redemptoris missio Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
784 CIC Concerning the Missionary Activity of Diocesan Priests Roman Replies 2004, pp. 14-19
773; 785 CIC Catechesis, Allocution on catechumenate and pennanent Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
788 CIC Particular Legislation: Regulation of Catechumenate Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
788 CIC Particular Legislation: Regulation of Catechumenate Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
788 CIC NZBC, Decree Determining Norms for the Catechumenate, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
792 CIC Particular Legislation: Promotion of Missionary Activity Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
792 CIC Particular legislation: Promotion of Missionary Activity Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
793 CIC Parents and the Education of Children Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
795 CIC Educational Guidance in Human Love Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
796 CIC Catholic Schools Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
799 CIC Religious Instruction Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
800 CIC Necessity of Catholic Schools Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
803 CIC Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
804 CIC 1) Development of Text Regarding Relationship between Bishops and Theologians 2) Cooperation between Bishops and Theologians 3) Cologne Declaration 4) Particular Legislation: Regulation Over Catholic Religious Instruction and Education Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
804 CIC Particular Legislation: Regulation Over Catholic Religious Instruction and Education Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
807 CIC Apostolic Constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
807 CIC Catholic Universities, Allocution to Jesuit rectors of universities on the role of Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
807 CIC CCE & PCs for the Laity and for Culture, The Church’s Presence in the University and in University Culture L’Università, May 22, 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
813 CIC The Church and the University Culture Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
813 CIC Campus Ministry Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
815 CIC Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
816 CIC Vatican Ban on Honorary Degree for Archbishop Weakland Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
816 CIC Theological Faculties Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
818 CIC The Reverend Charles Curran Case Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
822 CIC Social Communications Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
822 CIC Social Communication Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
822 CIC CDF, Instruction on some Aspects of the Use of the Instruments of Social Communication in Promoting the Doctrine of the Faith, March 30, 1992 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
823 CIC Notification regarding work of Edward Schillebeeckx, OP Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
823 CIC Liberation Theology Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
823 CIC CDF, Notification On Vassula Ryden, October 6, 1995 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
825 CIC Bible Study Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
827 CIC Particular Legislation: Approval of Books Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
830 CIC 1) Authentic Interpretation: Nihil Obstat, 20 June 1987 2) Particular Legislation: Censor Librorum Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
830 CIC Particular Legislation Censor Librorum Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
831 CIC Particular Legislation: Involvement of Clerics and Religious in Radio and Television Talks Involving Questions of Catholic Teaching and Morals Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
831 CIC Particular Legislation: Involvement of Clerics and Religious in Radio and Television Talks Involving Questions of Catholic Teaching and Morals Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
831 § 2 CIC Participation of Clerics and Members of Relgious Institutes in Radio and Television Programs Roman Replies 2002, pp. 14-15
833 CIC 1) Profession of Faith 2) Rescript re Profession of Faith Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
833 CIC CDF, Approved English translation of the Professio fidei and the Iusiurandum fidelitatis Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
834 CIC Apostolic Letter (Vicesimus quintus) On the 25th Anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
836; 839 CIC 1) Liturgical Training 2) Sacred Music Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
838; 846 § 1 CIC Use of the 1962 Liturgical Books Roman Replies 2006, pp. 20-22
838 CIC 1) Mandatory Use of Texto unico 2) Rubrics on Sprinkling with Holy Water and Incensation 3) Criteria for Inclusive Language Translations 4) Principles for Preparing NAB Periscopes 5) Women and the Holy Thursday Foot-Washing Ceremony 6) Declaration on Eucharistic Prayers and Liturgical Experimentation 7) Preparation and Celebration of the Easter Feasts 8) Usage of Liturgical Colors 9) Liturgical Color for Advent 10) Reading the Gospel in Parts 11) Practices forbidden in liturgical celebrations Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
838 CIC Book of Blessings Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
838 CIC 1) CDW, Fourth Instruction for the Right Application of the Conciliar Constitution on the Liturgy, on Inculturation and the Roman Liturgy Varietates Legitimae, March 29, 1994 2) CDF, Norms for the Translation of Biblical Texts for Use in the Liturgy, 1995 3) John Paul Ii, on the Translation of Liturgical Texts Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
839 CIC Pope John Paul II on Popular Piety and Liturgy, 24 April 1986 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
836; 839 CIC 1) Liturgical Training 2) Sacred Music Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
841; 1150 CIC Mormon Baptism and Privilege of the Faith Cases Roman Replies 1998, pp. 8-9
841 CIC Valid Administration of Sacraments Roman Replies 2004, pp. 20-21
841 CIC Kneeling When Receiving Holy Communion Roman Replies 2004, pp. 21-23
755; 844 CIC On Ecumenism and "The Doctrine of Church" Roman Replies 2007, pp. 28-32
844 CIC 1) Inter-communion with a Lutheran at a wedding 2) Particular Legislation: Norms for Sacramental Sharing Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
844 CIC Lutherans Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
838; 846 § 1 CIC Use of the 1962 Liturgical Books Roman Replies 2006, pp. 20-22
846 CIC Particular Legislation: Liturgical Books Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
846 § 1 CIC Allelula Prohibited on Solemnities During Lent Roman Replies 2003, pp. 15-16
847 CIC Augmentation of Blessed Oils with Unblessed Oils Roman Replies 1996, pp. 9-10
849; 869 CIC Invalid Baptism Formula Roman Replies 2008, pp. 16-23
849 CIC 1) CDW and CDF, Questions Concerning the Validity of Mormon Babtism 2) CDF, Further Questions Concerning the Validity of Mormon Baptism Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
850 CIC 1) CDF, Notification on the Invalidity of Baptism, March 9, 1991 2) CDF, Notification on the Invadility of Baptism, November 20, 1992 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
850 CIC Question Concerning Valid Celebration of Baptism Roman Replies 2003, pp. 17-18
850 CIC / Rituale Romano The Validity of Baptisms Administered with Words Other Than Those Prescribed in the Approved Liturgical Books in Cases That Do Not Involve Urgent Necessity Roman Replies 2020, pp. 28-36
851 CIC Particular Legislation: Celebration of Baptism Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
851 CIC Particular Legislation: Celebration of Baptism Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
851 CIC 1) NZBC, the Participation of Catechumens in Rcia, October 1994 2) CCCB, the Preparation of Adults and Children for the Sacrament of Baptism, April 5, 1991 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
854 CIC Particular Legislation: Celebration of Baptism Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
849; 869 CIC Invalid Baptism Formula Roman Replies 2008, pp. 16-23
873 CIC Alternate solution to the issue of "substitute godparents" Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
874 § 2; 877 CIC Admission of two non-Catholic Witnesses to Baptims and restrictions for baptismal register Annotation Roman Replies 2019, pp. 16-17
877 CIC Particular Legislation: Registering the Baptisms of Adopted Children Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
877 CIC Particular Legislation: Registering the baptisms of adopted children Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
877 CIC NZBC, Decree on the Baptism of Adopted Children and its Inscription in the Register of Baptism, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
877 § 1 CIC Altering the Baptismal Record of Someone Who Has Undergone a Sex Change Operation Roman Replies 2003, pp. 18-19
877 § 3 CIC Complimentary Legislation Concerning Recording the Baptism of Adopted Children Roman Replies 2001, pp. 30-32
874 § 2; 877 CIC Admission of two non-Catholic Witnesses to Baptims and restrictions for baptismal register Annotation Roman Replies 2019, pp. 16-17
880 § 1 CIC Use of Instruments for Administering Confirmation During a Pandemic Roman Replies 2020, p. 41
891 CIC Age for the Reception of the Sacrament of Conflrmation Roman Replies 2006, pp. 22-30
891 CIC Particular Legislation: Age of Confirmation Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
891 CIC Particular Legislation: Age of Confirmation Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
891 CIC NCCB and Cong. for Bishops, An Exchange of Letters Regarding the age for the Sacrament of Confirmation in the United States to be Established by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
893 CIC Doubt Concerning Sponsors for Confirmation Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
895 CIC Particular Legislation: Registering Confirmation Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
895 CIC Particular Legislation: Registering Confirmation Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
898 CIC Commentary on Eucharistie Reservation Roman Replies 1999, pp. 10-17
899 CIC Correspondence with and regarding the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
900 CIC Presiding at the Eucharist Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
902 CIC Guidelines for Concelebration of the Eucharist Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
903 CIC / 703 § 1 CCEO and Essential Norms for Diocesan/Eparchial Policies Dealing with Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests and Deacons: Letters/Statements on Suitability of Priests for Public Ministry Roman Replies 2009, pp. 24-28
910 § 1 CIC Dubium on Deacon as Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion Roman Replies 2011, pp. 28-29
910 CIC 1) Authentic Interpretation: Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist 2) The proper function of extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
910 CIC CDW, Concerning Eligibility to be an Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Communion Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
914 CIC Relationship of First Communion and First Reconciliation Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
915 CIC Bishop’s letter to a public official on the right to receive the Eucharist Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
915 CIC CDF, Letter to the Bishops Concerning the Reception of Holy Communion by the Divorced and Remarried Members of the Faithful, September 14, 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
915 CIC Divorced/Remarried Catholics and Reception of the Eucharist Roman Replies 2000, pp. 27-30
917 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Reception of Eucharist More than Once a Day Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
924 CIC 1) 1986 Principles regarding the use of mustum reiterated 2) Indult for Use of Mustum 3) Indult for the use of mustum denied to a seminarian prior to ordination 4) Indult for the use of mustum denied to a sick lay person 5) The use of mustum restricted to ordained priests 6) The “matter” of the Eucharist Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
924 CIC The Use of Mustum in the Eucharistic Celebration Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
924 CIC CDF, Use of Low-Gluten Bread and Mustum for the Eucharist, June 19, 1995 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
924 § 2 CIC Use of Low Gluten Hosts Roman Replies 2002, pp. 15-22
925 CIC Communion under Both Kinds and certain Health Concerns Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
925 CIC Particular Legislation: Reception of Communion under the Forms of Both Bread and Wine Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
925 CIC Use of Mustum Roman Replies 2002, pp. 22-24
928 CIC 1962 Indult for the Missale Romanum Roman Replies 1998, pp. 9-11
928 CIC Moto proprio, Ecclesia Dei and the use of the Missal of 1962 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
928 CIC Questions Concerning the Celebration of the Current Missale Romanum by those Possessing the Indult for use of the 1962 Edition Roman Replies 2000, pp. 30-32
928 CIC Lawful Position of the Priest Celebrant during Mass/Authorized use of Eucharistic Prayers Roman Replies 2000, pp. 33-35
929 CIC Choral Vestment, 18 March 1987 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
930 § 2 CIC Use of Older English Translation of Roman Missal by Elderly Priests Retired from Active Ministry Roman Replies 2012, p. 34
941 CIC 1) Perpetual Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 2) Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Clarification Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
948 CIC Pluri-intentional Masses Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
948 CIC Cong. for the Clergy, Decree on Collective Mass Intentions Mos iugiter, February 22, 1991 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
950 CIC Mass Offerings Roman Replies 1996, pp. 11-15
951 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Offerings for Second and Subsequent Masses Celebrated on the same day Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
951 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing NOrms for Mass Offerings, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
959 CIC Penance Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
960 CIC Importance of Private Confession (Siate I benvenuti) Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
961 CIC Particular Legislation: General Absolution Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
961-963 CIC Particular Legislation: General Absolution Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
962 CIC Norms regarding general absolution Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
962 CIC Translation of Canon 962 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
964 CIC Particular Legislation: Place of Confession Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
964 CIC Particular Legislation: Place of Confession Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
964 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing Norms Concerning the Confessional, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
964 § 2 CIC Complimentary Legislation Concerning the Confessional Roman Replies 2001, pp. 32-33
976; 986 § 2 CIC Right of Accused Cleric to Petition for Dispensation from Clerical Obligations Roman Replies 2020, pp. 37-39
273-289; 976; 978 § 2; 1055-1140 CIC Regarding a Cleric’s Petition for Dispensation and the Restrictions Imposed When He Is Returned to the Lay State Roman Replies 2023, pp. 11-13
273-289; 976; 978 § 2; 1055-1140 CIC Regarding a Cleric’s Petition for Dispensation and the Restrictions Imposed When He Is Returned to the Lay State Roman Replies 2023, pp. 11-13
976; 986 § 2 CIC Right of Accused Cleric to Petition for Dispensation from Clerical Obligations Roman Replies 2020, pp. 37-39
992 CIC Indulgences Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
995 CIC Plenary Indulgences for Marian Year Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1003 § 1 CIC Only Priest Validly Administer the Sacrament of the Sick Roman Replies 2005, pp. 19-23
1008; 1009; 1086 § 1; 1117; 1124 CIC Apostolic Letter "Motu Proprio" Omnium en Mentem of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI on Several Amendments to the Code of Canon Law Roman Replies 2010, pp. 35-38
1008 CIC The Sacrament of Order in the Sacramental Structure of the Church Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1008; 1009; 1086 § 1; 1117; 1124 CIC Apostolic Letter "Motu Proprio" Omnium en Mentem of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI on Several Amendments to the Code of Canon Law Roman Replies 2010, pp. 35-38
131 § 1; 382; 435; 436 § 3; 1014 CIC Authority of the Metropolitan Bishop within his Suffragan Dioceses Roman Replies 2016, pp. 8-9
1015 CIC The Sacrament of Order in the Sacramental Structure of the Church Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1015; 1021 CIC An Exchange of Letters between an Archbishop and the Apostolic Pro-Nunctio regarding the Rite of a Candidate for the Permanent Diaconate Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
272; 1018 § 1, 2°-§ 2 CIC The Competency of a Diocesan Administrator to Grant Dimissorial Letters Roman Replies 2014, pp. 9-10
1015; 1021 CIC An Exchange of Letters between an Archbishop and the Apostolic Pro-Nunctio regarding the Rite of a Candidate for the Permanent Diaconate Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1024 CIC Women’s Ordination: Cardinal Jan Willebrands and Archbishop Runcie, 22 Nov. 1985 Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1024 CIC 1) John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Ordinatio sacerdotalis on Reserving Priestly Ordination to Men Alone, May 22, 1994 2) CDF, Response to a dubium Concerning the Inadmissability to Women to Ministerial Priesthood, October 28, 1995 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1027; 1032 CIC Pastoral Provision for former Protestant Ministers who seek to be ordained Catholic Priests Roman Replies 2007, pp. 8-14
1030 CIC Adaptations to the Rite of Admission to Candidacy and Ordination to the Diaconate Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1027; 1032 CIC Pastoral Provision for former Protestant Ministers who seek to be ordained Catholic Priests Roman Replies 2007, pp. 8-14
1034 CIC The Diocesan Administrator Calling to Candidacy Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1036 CIC Ordination of a Permanent Deacon to the Presbyterate Roman Replies 2003, pp. 19-20
1037; 1041; 1042 CIC CDW and Cong. for the Clergy, The Permanent Diaconate and the Sacrament of Marriage Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1037; 1044 § 2, 1°; 1087 CIC CDW, The Case of a Permanenr Deacon Requesting a Dispensation from an Irregularity to Exercise Holy Orders due to an Attemted Civil Marriage (c. 1044 § 2, 1°) and from the Impediment of c. 1087 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1040-1049 CIC CCE, Dispensation from Irregularities and Impediments for Sacred Orders Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1041, 3° CIC Dispensation for Candidates for Permanent Diaconate Roman Replies 2007, pp. 18-27
1041; 1047 § 2, 1° CIC Dispensation from the Irregularity of Apostasy for a Seminary Candidate Roman Replies 1998, pp. 11-13
1041 CIC Dispensation from an incurred irregularity to orders Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1037; 1041; 1042 CIC CDW and Cong. for the Clergy, The Permanent Diaconate and the Sacrament of Marriage Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1041, 4° CIC Dispensation from the Irregularity Regarding the Reception of Orders Incurred in Procuring an Abortion Roman Replies 2002, pp. 25-27
1041, 4° CIC Dispensation from Irregularity for Reception of Orders for Assistance in Procurement of an Abortion Roman Replies 2012, pp. 35-36
1042 CIC 1) Rescript giving permission for the ordination of a married man, 3 February 1989 2) Rescript regarding the omission of the Admission to Candidacy and the ministries of Reader and Acolyte Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1037; 1041; 1042 CIC CDW and Cong. for the Clergy, The Permanent Diaconate and the Sacrament of Marriage Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1044 CIC Irregularities as Regards the Exercise of Orders Already Received Roman Replies 1996, pp. 15-34
1037; 1044 § 2, 1°; 1087 CIC CDW, The Case of a Permanenr Deacon Requesting a Dispensation from an Irregularity to Exercise Holy Orders due to an Attemted Civil Marriage (c. 1044 § 2, 1°) and from the Impediment of c. 1087 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1041; 1047 § 2, 1° CIC Dispensation from the Irregularity of Apostasy for a Seminary Candidate Roman Replies 1998, pp. 11-13
1047 CIC Reinstatement of a priest to active ministry and his incardination Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1047 CIC Married Priest,Formerly of the Polish National Catholic Church, Now Serving as a Priest in an American Roman Catholic Diocese Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1048 CIC Exclusion of Electronic Means in Communicating with the Apostollc Penitentiary Roman Replies 2003, pp. 20-21
1055 CIC The Sacramentality of Marriage Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1055 CIC John Paul II, Allocution to the Roman Rota, Marriage and Culture, January 28, 1991 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
530, 4°; 1055 § 1 CIC Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to a Dubium Regarding the Blessing of the Unions of Persons of the Same Sex Roman Replies 2021, pp. 15-18
273-289; 976; 978 § 2; 1055-1140 CIC Regarding a Cleric’s Petition for Dispensation and the Restrictions Imposed When He Is Returned to the Lay State Roman Replies 2023, pp. 11-13
1060 CIC Procedure to deal with multiple and successive marriages Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1060; 1100; 1156 § 1; 1157; 1160 CIC Letter from the Apostolic Segnatura: Bonum coniugum; defective convalidation (corrected version in vol. 2015) Roman Replies 2015, pp. 23-26
1061 CIC Petition for Dissolution of the Bond - Use of Condom Roman Replies 2006, p. 30
1061; 1681; 1704 § 1 CIC Requests for Dispensation of a Ratum et Non Consummatum Marriage Roman Replies 2009, pp. 29-31
1061 CIC The meaning of consummation humano modo Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1062 CIC Particular Legislation: Regulating the Engagement Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1062 CIC Particular Legislation: Regulating the Engagement Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1063 CIC Marriage Preparation Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1063 CIC Pastoral Care of the Family Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1066; 1067; 1668 CIC / 1372 § 2 CCEO Prorogation of Competence Roman Replies 2011, pp. 30-34
1066 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Canonical Form Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1066; 1067; 1668 CIC / 1372 § 2 CCEO Prorogation of Competence Roman Replies 2011, pp. 30-34
1067 CIC Particular Legislation: Pre-matrimonial Investigation and Matrimonial Banns Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1067 CIC Particular Legislation: Prematrimonial Investigation and Matrimonial Banns Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1067 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing NOrms for the Pre-Marital Investigation, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1067 CIC Complimentary Legislation Concerning Things to be Observed in Preparation of a Couple for Marriage Roman Replies 2001, pp. 33-35
1083 CIC Particular Legislation: Age for Licit Celebration of Marriage Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1083 CIC Particular Legislation: Age for Licit Celebration of Marriage Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1083 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing Requisite Age for the Celebration of Marriage, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1085; 1143 CIC Multiple Marriage Cases Involving Pauune Privilege and Ligamen Roman Replies 2005, pp. 23-26
1085 § 1 CIC 1) The impediment of prior bond arises only from a valid union 2) Sanation of a second marriage after the first marriage has been found null Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1008; 1009; 1086 § 1; 1117; 1124 CIC Apostolic Letter "Motu Proprio" Omnium en Mentem of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI on Several Amendments to the Code of Canon Law Roman Replies 2010, pp. 35-38
1086 § 1; 1117; 1124 CIC Clarifications in the Circular Letter on the Actus Formalis Defectionis ab Ecclesia Catholica from the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts Roman Replies 2009, pp. 32-34
1086 § 1 CIC Formal Act of Defection from the Catholic Church Roman Replies 2006, pp. 31-33
1037; 1044 § 2, 1°; 1087 CIC CDW, The Case of a Permanenr Deacon Requesting a Dispensation from an Irregularity to Exercise Holy Orders due to an Attemted Civil Marriage (c. 1044 § 2, 1°) and from the Impediment of c. 1087 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1087 CIC Chaldean Catholic Permanent Deacon Seeking Dispensation to Remarry Roman Replies 2004, p. 24
1087 CIC Divorced Permanent Deacon Seeking Declaration of Nullity and Remarriage Ref1jsed Permission to Continue in Ministry Roman Replies 2003, pp. 21-22
1092 CIC Dispensation From Affinity in the Direct Line With Permission for a Secret Marriage Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1095 CIC Allocution of John Paul II to Roman Rota Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1095, 2° CIC Rotal Sentence - Regarding an Appeal to the Rota against the First Instance Sentence and Ruling that thc Appcal Is Merely Dilatory Roman Replies 2023, pp. 14-24
1060; 1100; 1156 § 1; 1157; 1160 CIC Letter from the Apostolic Segnatura: Bonum coniugum; defective convalidation (corrected version in vol. 2015) Roman Replies 2015, pp. 23-26
1103 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Application to Non-Catholics Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1108 CIC Particular Legislation: Assistance at Mixed Marriage Ceremony Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1108 CIC CDW, Dispensation from the Canonical Form of Marriage for two Roman Catholics, September 4, 1990 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1108 CIC Dispensation from Canonical Form for Two Catholics Roman Replies 1994, pp. 12-16
1109 CIC Marriage of a Catholic and Orthodox in a Byzantine ceremony Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1112 CIC 1) Particular Legislation: Lay Witnesses of Weddings 2) Authorization Received for Lay Witnesses of Weddings Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1112 CIC Particular Legislation: Lay Persons Assisting at Marriages Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1112 CIC NZBZ, Decree Approving the Delegation of the Faculty to Assist a Weddings to Lay People, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1112 CIC Delegation for Qualified Lay Person to Assist at Marriages of the Faithful Roman Replies 2013, pp. 34-38
1008; 1009; 1086 § 1; 1117; 1124 CIC Apostolic Letter "Motu Proprio" Omnium en Mentem of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI on Several Amendments to the Code of Canon Law Roman Replies 2010, pp. 35-38
1117; 1118 CIC Canonical Form for Marriage Roman Replies 2007, pp. 33-37
1086 § 1; 1117; 1124 CIC Clarifications in the Circular Letter on the Actus Formalis Defectionis ab Ecclesia Catholica from the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts Roman Replies 2009, pp. 32-34
124-126; 1117 CIC Meaning of "Formal Defection from Catholic Church" and its implication for the valid canonical form for marriage Roman Replies 2007, p. 7
1117 CIC A 7 ½ year old child can “leave the Church by a formal act.” Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1117 CIC PCILT and CDW, Leaving the Church by a Formal Act Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1117 CIC Leaving the Church by a formal act Roman Replies 1995, pp. 10-12
1117 CIC Leaving the Church bya Formal Act Roman Replies 1994, pp. 16-19
1117; 1118 CIC Canonical Form for Marriage Roman Replies 2007, pp. 33-37
1119 CIC Nuptial Mass Excluded on All Soul’s Day Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1120 CIC Particular Legislation: Rite of Marriage Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1121 CIC Particular Legislation: Registering Marriage Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1008; 1009; 1086 § 1; 1117; 1124 CIC Apostolic Letter "Motu Proprio" Omnium en Mentem of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI on Several Amendments to the Code of Canon Law Roman Replies 2010, pp. 35-38
1086 § 1; 1117; 1124 CIC Clarifications in the Circular Letter on the Actus Formalis Defectionis ab Ecclesia Catholica from the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts Roman Replies 2009, pp. 32-34
1125; 1126 CIC Particular Legislation: Declaration and Promises for Mixed Marriages Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1125; 1126 CIC Particular Legislation: Declaration and Promises for Mixed Marriages Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1126 CIC Particular Legislation: Declaration and Promises for Mixed Marriages Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1126 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing NOrms for Declarations and Promises Required for MIxed Marriages, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1127 CIC 1) Particular Legislation: Dispensation from Canonical Form for Mixed Marriages 2) Dispensation from canonical form invalidly ed Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1127 CIC Particular Legislation: Dispensation From Canonical Form for Mixed Marriages Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1127 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing Criteria for Dispensations from the Canonical Form of Marriage, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1127 § 2 CIC Dispensation from Canonical Form for Marriage of a Catholic and a Lutheran Who Had Been Baptized a Catholic in Infancy Roman Replies 2012, p. 37
1130 CIC “Secret marriages” of the elderly Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1141-1150 CIC Dissolution of the Marriage Bond Roman Replies 1997, pp. 19-25
1142 CIC Favor of the Falth Case Involving Apostatized Catholic Roman Replies 2006, pp. 33-34
1142 CIC 1) CDF, Falsification of Babtismal Testimony in a Petition for the Dissolution of a Non-sacramental Marriage in Favor of the Faith 2) CDF, a Petition for the Dissolution of the Natural Bond of Marriage Remanded to the Diocese of Origin for Further Instruction Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1085; 1143 CIC Multiple Marriage Cases Involving Pauune Privilege and Ligamen Roman Replies 2005, pp. 23-26
1148 CIC Denial of indult concerning marriages of baptized non-Catholics, 2 February 1990 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1150 CIC Baptism of Non-baptized Petitioner Required for Granting Privilege of the Faith Dispensation Roman Replies 1998, pp. 13-16
841; 1150 CIC Mormon Baptism and Privilege of the Faith Cases Roman Replies 1998, pp. 8-9
1150 CIC 1) Instruction on preparing petitions for dissolution in favor of the faith, July 1986 2) Instruction of petitions for dissolution of non-sacramental marriages in favor of the faith Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1150 CIC Dissolution of Marriage in Favor of the Faith Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1150 CIC CDF, Dissolution of NOn-Sacramental Marriages in Favor of the Faith Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1692 §§ 1-2; 1151; 1152; 1153 CIC Response to Questions Posed by a Bishop Regarding the Need for Bishop to Give Permission for a Baptized Catholic to Initiate a Civil Divorce Roman Replies 2021, pp. 23-24
1692 §§ 1-2; 1151; 1152; 1153 CIC Response to Questions Posed by a Bishop Regarding the Need for Bishop to Give Permission for a Baptized Catholic to Initiate a Civil Divorce Roman Replies 2021, pp. 23-24
1692 §§ 1-2; 1151; 1152; 1153 CIC Response to Questions Posed by a Bishop Regarding the Need for Bishop to Give Permission for a Baptized Catholic to Initiate a Civil Divorce Roman Replies 2021, pp. 23-24
1156-1157 CIC Procedures To Be Followed in Declarations of Invalid Convalidation Roman Replies 2008, pp. 24-56
1156 CIC CDW and CDF, Question Concerning the Convalidation of a Marriage After Babtism Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1060; 1100; 1156 § 1; 1157; 1160 CIC Letter from the Apostolic Segnatura: Bonum coniugum; defective convalidation (corrected version in vol. 2015) Roman Replies 2015, pp. 23-26
1060; 1100; 1156 § 1; 1157; 1160 CIC Letter from the Apostolic Segnatura: Bonum coniugum; defective convalidation (corrected version in vol. 2015) Roman Replies 2015, pp. 23-26
1060; 1100; 1156 § 1; 1157; 1160 CIC Letter from the Apostolic Segnatura: Bonum coniugum; defective convalidation (corrected version in vol. 2015) Roman Replies 2015, pp. 23-26
1165 CIC CDW, Radical Sanation Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1165 § 2 CIC Sanatio in radice Roman Replies 2018, pp. 17-20
1167 CIC 1) Book of Blessings 2) Ceremonial of Bishops Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1172 CIC Norms on Exorcisms Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1176 CIC Order of Christian Funerals, 15 August 1989 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1176 CIC Eucharistic Liturgy in the Presence of Cremated Remains Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1190 CIC Office for Pont. Liturgical Celebrations, Norms for the Concession of Relics from the Apostolic Sacristy, February 15, 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1210 CIC Instruction regarding Music Concert in Churches, 5 November 1987. Cong. for Divine Worship Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
50; 51; 515 § 2; 1214; 1222 § 2 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church Roman Replies 2011, pp. 11-14
1218 CIC Notification Concerning the Title of a Church Roman Replies 1999, pp. 17-21
121; 123; 515 § 2; 516; 1222; 1255 CIC Supression of Territorial and Personal Parishes Roman Replies 2010, pp. 11-32
37; 48; 50; 51; 57; 114; 120; 515 §§ 2-3; 526; 1734; 1737; 1222 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church to Profane but not Unbecoming Use Roman Replies 2011, pp. 5-10
50; 51; 515 § 2; 1214; 1222 § 2 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church Roman Replies 2011, pp. 11-14
515 § 2; 1222 CIC Merger of Parishes Roman Replies 2011, pp. 24-26
50; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2 CIC Supression of a Parish and Closure of a Parish Church Roman Replies 2012, pp. 5-9
50-51; 120-123; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2 CIC Procedural Guidelines for the Modification of Parishes and Closure of Parish Churches Roman Replies 2013, pp. 5-12
51; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2; 1292 § 2; 1734 CIC Closing a Church and Relegation of the Church to Profane but non Sordid Use Roman Replies 2013, pp. 13-17
1230 CIC Particular Legislation: Shrines Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1233 CIC Norms for Minor Basilicas, 9 November 1989 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1236 CIC Particular Legislation: Material for Use in Altars Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1236 CIC Particular Legislation: Material for Use in Altars Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1236 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing NOrms for Fixed Altar, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1237 CIC Concerning the Use of Relics in Rite of Dedication of Altars Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1244 CIC Notification on Proper Calendars and Proper Liturgical Texts Roman Replies 1999, pp. 22-32
1246 CIC 1) Celebration of Solemnities 2) Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas in 1989 3) Particular Legislation: Holy Days of Obligation Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1246 CIC Particular Legislation: Holy Days of Obligation Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1246 CIC NZBC, DecreeEstablishing the Norms for Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1248 CIC 1) Anticipated Masses, August 1986 2) Directory for Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest, 2 June 1988 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1249 CIC Particular Legislation: Days of Penance Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1251 CIC Particular Legislation: Days of Penance Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1251 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing Norms for Fasting and Abstinence, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1253 CIC Particular Legislation: Observance of Fast and Abstinence Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1255; 1405; 1406; 1419 CIC Ownership of Property, Competence of Holy See, Absolute Incompetence of Other Tribunals Roman Replies 2008, pp. 65-72
121; 123; 515 § 2; 516; 1222; 1255 CIC Supression of Territorial and Personal Parishes Roman Replies 2010, pp. 11-32
1262; 1297 CIC On fund raising and complementary legislation for the U.S.A. Roman Replies 2007, pp. 38-41
1262 CIC Particular Legislation: Support of Church by Fund-Raising Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1262 CIC Particular Legislation: Support of the Church by Fund-raising Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1262 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing Norms for the Fathiful’s Support of the Church, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1263 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Juridic Personality of Schools of Religious Institutes, 20 May 1989 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1265 CIC Particular Legislation: Collections for Ecclesiastical Institutions or Pious Causes Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1265 CIC Particular Legislation: Begging for Ecclesiastical Institutions or Pious Causes Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1272 CIC Particular Legislation: Benefices Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1272 CIC Particular Legislation: Benefices Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1274 CIC Particular Legislation: Clergy Sustenance Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1274 CIC Particular Legislation: Clergy Sustenance Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1275 CIC Particular Legislation: Definition of Acts of Extraordinary Administration Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1277 CIC Acts of Extraordinary Administration Roman Replies 2010, pp. 39-40
1277 CIC Particular Legislation: Definition of Acts of Extraordinary Administration Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1277 CIC 1) NZBC, Decree Establishing Certain Acts of Admministration as Extraordinary, October 1994 2) CCCB, Particular Legislation Establishing Certain Acts of Administration as Extraordinary, February 10, 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1292 § 1 CIC Maximum and Minimum Sums for Alienation, Adjusted for the Rate of Inflation in the United States Roman Replies 2005, pp. 26-27
1292 CIC 1) Maximum Amount for Alienation of Church Property in the U.S.A., 19 April 1986 2) Alienation of property, 25 January 1988 3) Particular Legislation: Minimum and Maximum Amounts for Alienation Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1292 CIC Particular Legislation: The Determination of Minimum and Maximum Amounts for Alienation Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
638 § 3; 1292 § 2 CIC CICLSAL, Maximum Amount for Alienation of Church Goods Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
638 § 3; 1292; 1293; 1294 CIC CICLSAL, Leasing and Alienation of Property Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1292 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing the Maximum Amounts for the Alienation of Ecclesiastical Goods, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1292 § 1 CIC Complementary Legislation Revising Maximum and Minimum Amounts for Alienation Roman Replies 2004, pp. 25-27
1292 § 1 CIC Complementary Legislation Revising Limits on Alienation Roman Replies 2012, pp. 38-39
51; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2; 1292 § 2; 1734 CIC Closing a Church and Relegation of the Church to Profane but non Sordid Use Roman Replies 2013, pp. 13-17
638 § 3; 1292; 1293; 1294 CIC CICLSAL, Leasing and Alienation of Property Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
638 §§ 3,4; 1293 CIC Interpretation of Guidelines on Temporal Goods for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life Roman Replies 2019, pp. 11-15
638 § 3; 1292; 1293; 1294 CIC CICLSAL, Leasing and Alienation of Property Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1262; 1297 CIC On fund raising and complementary legislation for the U.S.A. Roman Replies 2007, pp. 38-41
1297 CIC Particular Legislation: Norms for Leasing Church Property Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1297 CIC NZBC, Decree Establishing Norms for the Leasing of Ecclesiastical Goods, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1300; 1302; 1303 § 1, 2°; 1304 § 1; 1308 § 1 CIC Mass Intentions in a Will Roman Replies 2015, pp. 9-17
1300; 1302; 1303 § 1, 2°; 1304 § 1; 1308 § 1 CIC Mass Intentions in a Will Roman Replies 2015, pp. 9-17
1300; 1302; 1303 § 1, 2°; 1304 § 1; 1308 § 1 CIC Mass Intentions in a Will Roman Replies 2015, pp. 9-17
1300; 1302; 1303 § 1, 2°; 1304 § 1; 1308 § 1 CIC Mass Intentions in a Will Roman Replies 2015, pp. 9-17
1300; 1302; 1303 § 1, 2°; 1304 § 1; 1308 § 1 CIC Mass Intentions in a Will Roman Replies 2015, pp. 9-17
1308-1310 CIC Pious Foundations Roman Replies 2020, p. 40
1311 CIC Related canon 391: Bishop as Diocesan Legislator; canon 35: Individual Administrative Acts; the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus (June 28, 1988), art. 123, and recourse to the Apostolic Signatura Roman Replies 2007, pp. 43-44
1317; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC Special Faculties for the Congregation for Evangelization of Peoples: Administrative Procedure for the Laicization of Priests, Deacons and Members of Societies of Apostolic Life for missio ad gentes Roman Replies 2009, pp. 48-52
1317; 1319; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC Special Faculties forthe Congregation for Clergy: Administrative Procedure for the Laicization of Priests Roman Replies 2009, pp. 37-47
1317; 1319; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC SpecialFaculties forthe Congregation for Clergy: Procedural Guidelines Roman Replies 2010, pp. 43-51
1317; 1319; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC Special Faculties forthe Congregation for Clergy: Administrative Procedure for the Laicization of Priests Roman Replies 2009, pp. 37-47
1317; 1319; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC SpecialFaculties forthe Congregation for Clergy: Procedural Guidelines Roman Replies 2010, pp. 43-51
1317; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC Special Faculties for the Congregation for Evangelization of Peoples: Administrative Procedure for the Laicization of Priests, Deacons and Members of Societies of Apostolic Life for missio ad gentes Roman Replies 2009, pp. 48-52
1317; 1319; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC Special Faculties forthe Congregation for Clergy: Administrative Procedure for the Laicization of Priests Roman Replies 2009, pp. 37-47
1317; 1319; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC SpecialFaculties forthe Congregation for Clergy: Procedural Guidelines Roman Replies 2010, pp. 43-51
1342; 1717; 1722 CIC / 1468; 1473 CCEO Circular Letter to Assist Episcopal Conferences in Developing Guidelines for Dealing with Cases of Sexual Abuses of Minors Perpetrated by Clerics Roman Replies 2011, pp. 35-41
1317; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC Special Faculties for the Congregation for Evangelization of Peoples: Administrative Procedure for the Laicization of Priests, Deacons and Members of Societies of Apostolic Life for missio ad gentes Roman Replies 2009, pp. 48-52
1317; 1319; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC Special Faculties forthe Congregation for Clergy: Administrative Procedure for the Laicization of Priests Roman Replies 2009, pp. 37-47
1317; 1319; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC SpecialFaculties forthe Congregation for Clergy: Procedural Guidelines Roman Replies 2010, pp. 43-51
1357 CIC Apostolic Penitentiary, Instruction Giving advice Concerning the Solution of Cases in Accordance with Canon 1357 of the Code of Canon Law Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1395 § 2; 1362 § 1, 2° CIC John Paul II, Letter to U.S. Bishops Concerning Application of Canonical NOrms for Clerical Sexual Misconduct Cases, June 11, 1993 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1395 § 2; 1362 § 1, 2° CIC Derogations from the CIC Concerning Offenses against the Sixth Commandment Committed by a Cleric with a Minor Roman Replies 1994, pp. 20-21
1364 CIC Declaration of Excommunication for Schism and Heresy -Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Roman Replies 2008, p. 57
751; 1364 CIC Formal Act of Defection from the Catholic Church Roman Replies 2008, pp. 13-15
1364 § 1 CIC Former Catholic, Later Ordained an Orthodox Priest, Seeks, Readmission to the Catholic Church Roman Replies 2005, pp. 27-28
1364 CIC Excommunication of Father George Stallings Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1374 CIC Masonry Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1374 CIC Masonry and Naturalistic Religion Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1378 CIC Attempted Ordination of Woman Roman Replies 2008, p. 58
1382 CIC Decree Lifting Excommunication latae sententiae of the Bishops of the Society of St. Pius X Roman Replies 2009, pp. 53-54
1382 CIC 1) Excomunication of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre 2) Apostolic Letter Ecclesia Dei. 2 July 1988 3) Restoration of Separated Group to Communion with the Holy See, 28 September 1988 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1385 CIC Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc: 18 Dec. 1984, statement of final retraction with information regarding reply from Congo Doctrine of the Faith Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1388 CIC 1) Decree re Violation of the Seal of Confession, 23 September 1988 2) USCC Pedophilia Statement, 9 February 1988 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1395 § 2 CIC / Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela Accusation Predating Entrance into Clerical State Roman Replies 2010, pp. 52-53
1395 § 2; 1362 § 1, 2° CIC John Paul II, Letter to U.S. Bishops Concerning Application of Canonical NOrms for Clerical Sexual Misconduct Cases, June 11, 1993 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1395 § 2; 1362 § 1, 2° CIC Derogations from the CIC Concerning Offenses against the Sixth Commandment Committed by a Cleric with a Minor Roman Replies 1994, pp. 20-21
1397 CIC John Paul II, Evangelium vitae, in the Inviolable Value of Human Life Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1398 CIC 1) Catholic Officeholders and Abortion 2) Authentic Interpretation: Definition of Abortion, 28 May 1988 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1317; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC Special Faculties for the Congregation for Evangelization of Peoples: Administrative Procedure for the Laicization of Priests, Deacons and Members of Societies of Apostolic Life for missio ad gentes Roman Replies 2009, pp. 48-52
1317; 1319; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC Special Faculties forthe Congregation for Clergy: Administrative Procedure for the Laicization of Priests Roman Replies 2009, pp. 37-47
1317; 1319; 1342 § 2; 1349; 1399 CIC SpecialFaculties forthe Congregation for Clergy: Procedural Guidelines Roman Replies 2010, pp. 43-51
1400 CIC Impact of the New Code of Canon Law Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1402 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Exemption of religious judges, 23 May 1988 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1255; 1405; 1406; 1419 CIC Ownership of Property, Competence of Holy See, Absolute Incompetence of Other Tribunals Roman Replies 2008, pp. 65-72
1255; 1405; 1406; 1419 CIC Ownership of Property, Competence of Holy See, Absolute Incompetence of Other Tribunals Roman Replies 2008, pp. 65-72
1413 CIC Apostolic Signatura, A Controversy from an Act of Administrative Power involving a Catholic High School Teacher Brought before a Diocesan Tribunal Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1418; 1558 CIC Correspondence with persons resident in Vietnam Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1255; 1405; 1406; 1419 CIC Ownership of Property, Competence of Holy See, Absolute Incompetence of Other Tribunals Roman Replies 2008, pp. 65-72
1420; 1421; 1435; 1483 CIC Renewal of dispensations from academic requirements Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1420 CIC Canonical Degrees Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1420; 1421; 1435 CIC Apostolic Signatura, Academic Requirements for the Promoter of Justice and the Defender of the BOnd Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1420; 1421; 1435 CIC Academic Requirements for Promoter of justice lustice and Defender of the Bond Roman Replies 1994, pp. 22-24
1421 § 1; 1717-1731 CIC Priests with a Licentiate in Canon Law serving as judges in sexual abuse case involving a priest Roman Replies 2007, p. 42
1420; 1421; 1435; 1483 CIC Renewal of dispensations from academic requirements Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1421 CIC 1) Particular Legislation: Appointment of Lay Judges 2) A lay Judge as praeses or ponens, 12 January 1989 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1421 CIC Particular Legislation: Appointment of Lay Judges Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1420; 1421; 1435 CIC Apostolic Signatura, Academic Requirements for the Promoter of Justice and the Defender of the BOnd Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1421; 1435 CIC 1) Apostolic Signatura, Academic Requirements for Judges and Defenders of the Bond 2) NVBC, Decree Permitting the Appointment of Qualified Lay People as Ecclesiastical Judges, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1420; 1421; 1435 CIC Academic Requirements for Promoter of justice lustice and Defender of the Bond Roman Replies 1994, pp. 22-24
1422 CIC Particular Legislation: Term of Office Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1425 CIC Particular Legislation: Single Clerical Judge in First Instance Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1425 CIC Particular Legislation: Single Clerical Judge in First Instance Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1425 CIC NZBC, Decree Permitting Cases to be Entrusted to a Sole Clerical Jugde, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1432 CIC Defender of the Bond in Cases of Psychic Incapacity, 25 January 1988 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1420; 1421; 1435; 1483 CIC Renewal of dispensations from academic requirements Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1435 CIC Canon Law Degrees Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1420; 1421; 1435 CIC Apostolic Signatura, Academic Requirements for the Promoter of Justice and the Defender of the BOnd Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1421; 1435 CIC 1) Apostolic Signatura, Academic Requirements for Judges and Defenders of the Bond 2) NVBC, Decree Permitting the Appointment of Qualified Lay People as Ecclesiastical Judges, October 1994 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1420; 1421; 1435 CIC Academic Requirements for Promoter of justice lustice and Defender of the Bond Roman Replies 1994, pp. 22-24
1438 CIC Competent Forum for Appeal after Negative First Instance Sentence Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1438, 1° CIC Relationship of Tribunals of First and Second Instance Roman Replies 2001, pp. 35-36
1438, 1°, 2° CIC Restoration of the Simple Metropolitan System for Second Tnstance Roman Replies 2016, pp. 12-16
1439 CIC Particular Legislation: Courts of Second Instance Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1439 CIC Particular Legislation: Establishment of Appellate Courts Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1440 CIC Appeal Tribunals Below the Rota Incompetent to Adjudicate on Third Instance Level Roman Replies 1998, pp. 16-17
1442 CIC Seeking the Truth in Marriage Annulment Cases Roman Replies 2005, pp. 28-30
1443 CIC Norms for Rotal Advocates, "Iusti iudicis," 28 June 1988 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1443 CIC Roman Rota, NOrms for the Tribunal of the Roman Rota Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1444 CIC Case of the Roman Rota Overtuming Its Own Decision Involving An Incidental Question Roman Replies 1998, pp. 18-28
1444 CIC 1) New Policy of the Roman Rota regarding cases from tribunals in the USA 2) A case admitted to the full process upon appeal in the Second Instance, 10 February 1988 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1444 CIC Roman Rota, Requirements for the Cases Submitted to the Roman Rota Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1444 CIC Requirements for Cases Submitted to the Roman Rota Roman Replies 1994, pp. 25-27
1445 CIC 1) Ap. Signatura, Declaration: Concerning the forum of proofs, 27 April 1989 2) Competence concerning refugees from Vietnam 3) Simpler of competence for Vietnamese case 4) Competence concerning the People’s Republic of China 5) Competence concerning the U.S.S.R 6) Grant of competence for Greek Orthodox in Australia 7) Grant of competence for Catholic Copts in the United States 8) Denial of cross-ritual s of competence 9) Change of venue denied in the third instance Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1445 CIC Third Instance Tribunal Designated in the United States Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1445 § 3, 2° CIC Apostolic Signatura, Prorogation of Competence Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1445 § 3; 1475; 1527 CIC General Executory Decree Regarding the Preservation of Judicial Acts Roman Replies 2012, pp. 40-44
1445 § 3, 2° CIC Decree of the Supreme Tribunal on Judicial Cases of the Syrica Eparchy in Canada and the United States Roman Replies 2012, pp. 45-47
1446 CIC Address to the Roman Rota, Pastoral Aspect of Canon Law, 18 January 1990 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1453 CIC The Length of the Annulment Process, 30 January 1986 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1475 CIC Tribunal Records Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1445 § 3; 1475; 1527 CIC General Executory Decree Regarding the Preservation of Judicial Acts Roman Replies 2012, pp. 40-44
1476 CIC Non-Catholic Respondents Roman Replies 1997, pp. 25-26
1478; 1481; 1505; 1508; 1545 CIC / Dignitas connubii 97; 101; 127 Regarding Citation of a Violent Respondent Roman Replies 2020, pp. 42-44
1481 § 1 CIC Freedom of Procedural Parties to Select Their Own Advocates Roman Replies 2017, pp. 12-13
1478; 1481; 1505; 1508; 1545 CIC / Dignitas connubii 97; 101; 127 Regarding Citation of a Violent Respondent Roman Replies 2020, pp. 42-44
1420; 1421; 1435; 1483 CIC Renewal of dispensations from academic requirements Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1490 CIC Norms for Rotal Advocates Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1501-1731 CIC Observations From the Roman Rota Roman Replies 2000, pp. 36-37
1505, § 2 CIC Apostolic Pro-Nuncio, Response to a Question Concerning on What Grounds a Libellus May Be Rejected Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1478; 1481; 1505; 1508; 1545 CIC / Dignitas connubii 97; 101; 127 Regarding Citation of a Violent Respondent Roman Replies 2020, pp. 42-44
1478; 1481; 1505; 1508; 1545 CIC / Dignitas connubii 97; 101; 127 Regarding Citation of a Violent Respondent Roman Replies 2020, pp. 42-44
1509 CIC Citation of the Respondent Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1511 CIC 1) Citation of a “dangerous” Respondent 2) Citation involving a fanatical Moslem 3) Omission of citation for reasons of international politics Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1513-1529 CIC Roman Rota, Initial Procedural Steps in the Intruction of a Petition for Nullity of Marriage, from the Roman Rota Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1520 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Competent Forum Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1445 § 3; 1475; 1527 CIC General Executory Decree Regarding the Preservation of Judicial Acts Roman Replies 2012, pp. 40-44
1478; 1481; 1505; 1508; 1545 CIC / Dignitas connubii 97; 101; 127 Regarding Citation of a Violent Respondent Roman Replies 2020, pp. 42-44
1548 CIC / Vos estis lux mundi Reporting Accusations and Privacy Issues Roman Replies 2020, pp. 45-46
1418; 1558 CIC Correspondence with persons resident in Vietnam Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1586 CIC Formulation of "Presumptions of Fact" Roman Replies 1996, pp. 34-39
1587-1591 CIC 1) Roman Rota, An Incidental Case in the Roman Rota Dealing with the Nullity of a Second Marriage 2) Roman Rota, An Incidental Case in the Roman Rota Concerning the Nullity of Decee of Confirmation in a Marriage Nullity Case 3) Roman Rota, An Incidental Case in the Roman Rota Concerning the Status of a Marriage Nullity Case Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1592 § 1 CIC Rights of Parti es in Marriage Cases Roman Replies 2015, pp. 18-20
1598 CIC Right of Parties to Inspect the Acts in Privi1ege of the Faith Cases Roman Replies 1998, pp. 29-30
1598 CIC Warning regarding use of canon 1598, §1 to confidentiality to a witness Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1608 CIC An Unusual Method of Handling Marriage Nullity Cases Roman Replies 1996, pp. 39-45
1608 CIC 1) John Paul II, Allocution to the Roman Rota, Ministry of Truth and Justice, January 28, 1994 2) John Paul II, Allocution to the Roman Rota, Anthropology, Justice and Conscience, February 10, 1995 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1615; 1621; 1625; 1630-1632; 1679-1680 CIC The Role of the First Instance Tribunal in Transmitting Acts to the Appellate Court Roman Replies 2016, pp. 17-19
1620; 1628 CIC Nullity of Marriage Roman Replies 2008, pp. 59-64
1620 CIC 1) The Right of Defense, 26 January 1989 2) Case remanded to the Roman Rota to hear a complaint of nullity of sentence following two affirmative decisions 3) Complaint of nullity of sentence mandated locally following a first affirmative decision 4) Neither an affirmative nor a negative decision can accompany an affirmative finding to a complaint of nullity of sentence 5) Complaint of nullity of sentence sustained, due to denial of respondent’s right of defense Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1620 CIC Apostolic Signatura, Irremediable Nullity of the Definitive Sentence Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1620 CIC Irremediable Nullity of Sentence Roman Replies 1994, pp. 28-49
1615; 1621; 1625; 1630-1632; 1679-1680 CIC The Role of the First Instance Tribunal in Transmitting Acts to the Appellate Court Roman Replies 2016, pp. 17-19
1615; 1621; 1625; 1630-1632; 1679-1680 CIC The Role of the First Instance Tribunal in Transmitting Acts to the Appellate Court Roman Replies 2016, pp. 17-19
1620; 1628 CIC Nullity of Marriage Roman Replies 2008, pp. 59-64
1628 CIC Roman Rota, Appeal of Respondent to the Roman Rota After two Affirmative Decisions Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1615; 1621; 1625; 1630-1632; 1679-1680 CIC The Role of the First Instance Tribunal in Transmitting Acts to the Appellate Court Roman Replies 2016, pp. 17-19
1633 CIC Execution of a decree of ratification Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1644 CIC 1) New proposal of a case following two concordant affirmative decisions 2) Special Defender of the Bond to be appointed locally to decide on the execution of two conforming affirmative decisions Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1644 CIC Roman Rota, A Response of the Roman Rota to a Respondent Who Appealed a Case which had received two Concordant Decisions Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1644 CIC A new proposal of a marriage nullity case to the Roman Rota Roman Replies 1995, pp. 13-16
1649 CIC Party Responsible for Payment of Stipends in Cases Appealed to the Rota Roman Replies 1998, pp. 31-32
1066; 1067; 1668 CIC / 1372 § 2 CCEO Prorogation of Competence Roman Replies 2011, pp. 30-34
1672 CIC Securing the civil effects in Italy of a tribunal declaration of nullity of marriage Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1673 CIC Competence Roman Replies 1996, pp. 45-47
1673, 3° CIC Domicile of Respondent in Vietnam Roman Replies 1998, pp. 33-35
1673 CIC 1) Authentic Interpretation: Consent of Judicial Vicar Required for Competence, 17 May 1986 2) Guidelines for canon 1673, 3º and 4º 3) Introduction of the “same case” following a negative decision 4) Declaration of Apostolic Signatura on competent forum after first instance negative, 3 June 1989 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1673 CIC Competence: Unlocatable Respondent Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1673 CIC 1) Apostolic Signatura, The Delegation of the Consent for Competence Required by Canon 1673, 3° 2) Apostolic Signatura, Prorogation of Competence and a Mission Respondent 3) Apostolic Signatura, Decree Regarding the Domicile of the Petitioner as a Source of Competence, May 5, 1993 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1673, 3° CIC Decree from the Apostolic Signatura regarding the domicile of the petitioner as a source of competence Roman Replies 1995, pp. 16-20
1673 CIC Competence Roman Replies 1994, pp. 50-59
1676 § 2 CIC Obligation of Judicial Vicar in Determinig by Decree the Formula of the Doubt Roman Replies 2017, pp. 14-15
1676 §§ 1-2; 1678 § 4; 1685; 1687 § 1 CIC The role of the defender of the bond Roman Replies 2019, pp. 18-19
1676 §§ 1-2; 1678 § 4; 1685; 1687 § 1 CIC The role of the defender of the bond Roman Replies 2019, pp. 18-19
1615; 1621; 1625; 1630-1632; 1679-1680 CIC The Role of the First Instance Tribunal in Transmitting Acts to the Appellate Court Roman Replies 2016, pp. 17-19
1679 CIC Regarding an Abandoned Rotal Appeal Roman Replies 2023, pp. 25-26
1680 § 2 CIC Clarifications on Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus provisions Roman Replies 2019, pp. 20-21
1061; 1681; 1704 § 1 CIC Requests for Dispensation of a Ratum et Non Consummatum Marriage Roman Replies 2009, pp. 29-31
1681 CIC CDW, Dispensation for a Ratum et Non-consummatum Marriage Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1681 CIC Dispensation for a ratum et non-consummatum marrlage Roman Replies 1995, pp. 20-27
1682 CIC The appeal: a case opened to the ordinary process in second instance by the Roman Rota Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1682 CIC Appellate Tribunal Admitting Case to an Ordinary Examination and Adding New Grounds of Nullity Roman Replies 2002, pp. 27-46
1682 § 2 CIC Affirmative Sentence in First Instance Confirmed by "Equivalently Conforming" in Second Instance Roman Replies 2001, pp. 36-41
1682 § 2 CIC Questions Concerning Ratification of One of Multiple Grounds Roman Replies 2001, pp. 41-45
1685; 1686 CIC Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus processus brevior and the "session" Roman Replies 2018, pp. 21-22
1676 §§ 1-2; 1678 § 4; 1685; 1687 § 1 CIC The role of the defender of the bond Roman Replies 2019, pp. 18-19
1686 CIC Authentic Interpretation: Defect of Form Cases Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
1685; 1686 CIC Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus processus brevior and the "session" Roman Replies 2018, pp. 21-22
1676 §§ 1-2; 1678 § 4; 1685; 1687 § 1 CIC The role of the defender of the bond Roman Replies 2019, pp. 18-19
1692 §§ 1-2; 1151; 1152; 1153 CIC Response to Questions Posed by a Bishop Regarding the Need for Bishop to Give Permission for a Baptized Catholic to Initiate a Civil Divorce Roman Replies 2021, pp. 23-24
1693 § 2; 1694 CIC Canons Modified or Replaces by Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus and Corresponding Canons in Marriage Nullity Cases Roman Replies 2017, pp. 16-18
1693 § 2; 1694 CIC Canons Modified or Replaces by Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus and Corresponding Canons in Marriage Nullity Cases Roman Replies 2017, pp. 16-18
1697 CIC Cong. for the Sacraments, The Process for the Dispensation from a Ritified and Non-consummated Marriage, December 20, 1986 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1700 CIC Proper instruction of cases super rato Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1061; 1681; 1704 § 1 CIC Requests for Dispensation of a Ratum et Non Consummatum Marriage Roman Replies 2009, pp. 29-31
1714 CIC Particular Legislation: Settlement of Disputes Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1717; 1720; 1737 CIC Case of a Priest Seeking Recourse Against Removal from Active Ministry Roman Replies 1999, pp. 32-40
1421 § 1; 1717-1731 CIC Priests with a Licentiate in Canon Law serving as judges in sexual abuse case involving a priest Roman Replies 2007, p. 42
1342; 1717; 1722 CIC / 1468; 1473 CCEO Circular Letter to Assist Episcopal Conferences in Developing Guidelines for Dealing with Cases of Sexual Abuses of Minors Perpetrated by Clerics Roman Replies 2011, pp. 35-41
1717; 1720; 1737 CIC Case of a Priest Seeking Recourse Against Removal from Active Ministry Roman Replies 1999, pp. 32-40
1342; 1717; 1722 CIC / 1468; 1473 CCEO Circular Letter to Assist Episcopal Conferences in Developing Guidelines for Dealing with Cases of Sexual Abuses of Minors Perpetrated by Clerics Roman Replies 2011, pp. 35-41
1733 CIC Particular Legislation: Recourse Against Administrative Acts Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1733 CIC Particular Legislation: Recourse Against Administrative Acts Canon Law Digest 1983-1985
37; 48; 50; 51; 57; 114; 120; 515 §§ 2-3; 526; 1734; 1737; 1222 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church to Profane but not Unbecoming Use Roman Replies 2011, pp. 5-10
51; 127 § 2; 515 § 2; 1222 § 2; 1292 § 2; 1734 CIC Closing a Church and Relegation of the Church to Profane but non Sordid Use Roman Replies 2013, pp. 13-17
1717; 1720; 1737 CIC Case of a Priest Seeking Recourse Against Removal from Active Ministry Roman Replies 1999, pp. 32-40
37; 48; 50; 51; 57; 114; 120; 515 §§ 2-3; 526; 1734; 1737; 1222 CIC Supression of a Parish and Reduction of a Church to Profane but not Unbecoming Use Roman Replies 2011, pp. 5-10
1740; 1747 CIC Canonical Removal of a Pastor Roman Replies 2010, pp. 54-58
1740 CIC Removal of Apastor from Office Roman Replies 2006, pp. 35-38
1740; 1747 CIC Canonical Removal of a Pastor Roman Replies 2010, pp. 54-58
1748 CIC Transfer of a pastor unwilling to move, 4 February 1987 Canon Law Digest 1986-1990
1748 CIC Cong. for the Clergy, Transfer of a Pastor Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
1748 CIC Transfer of a Pastor Roman Replies 1994, pp. 59-61


110; 111 CIC / 29; 2, 2° CCEO Inscription in the Latin Church of a Child Baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church Adopted by Latin Parents Roman Replies 2011, pp. 15-17
110; 111 CIC / 29; 2, 2° CCEO Inscription in the Latin Church of a Child Baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church Adopted by Latin Parents Roman Replies 2011, pp. 15-17
29 CCEO Ukranian Orthodox Infant Ascribed to Rite of Adoptive Parents Roman Replies 2003, pp. 23-24
35 CCEO CEC, Petition Denied for Transfer of Rite after Reception into Full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
35 CCEO Request for Transfer Between Churches Denied Roman Replies 2002, pp. 47-49
35 CCEO Petition denied for transfer of Rite after reception into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church Roman Replies 1995, pp. 28-31
35 CCEO Absence of Corresponding Church Sui iuris Roman Replies 2017, pp. 19-21
451 CCEO Indult of Accommodation for a Man Belonging to an Eastern Catholic Church Sui luris to Adapt to an Seek Ordination in the Latin Church Roman Replies 1999, pp. 41-42
903 CIC / 703 § 1 CCEO and Essential Norms for Diocesan/Eparchial Policies Dealing with Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests and Deacons: Letters/Statements on Suitability of Priests for Public Ministry Roman Replies 2009, pp. 24-28
748; 1087; 1359; 1372 CCEO Clarification of Motu Proprio Mitis et misericors lesus Roman Replies 2016, pp. 20-23
748 § 2 CCEO Indult of Adaptation and Biritual Faculties For an Individual Applying to the Permanent Diaconate Roman Replies 2017, pp. 22-23
767, 2° CCEO Case of Baptized Latin Catholic Man Ordained a Priest in the Orthodox Church Seeking Admission to Exercise of Orders in a Diocese of an Eastem Catholic Church Sui Iuris Roman Replies 1998, p. 36
779 CCEO Juridical Status of An Annulment Granted by the Coptic Orthodox Church Roman Replies 2000, pp. 39-51
781 CCEO The Competence of a Latin Rite Tribunal Regarding the Form of Celebration of an Eastem Church Marriage Roman Replies 1994, pp. 62-66
835 CCEO CEC and Apostolic Pro-Nunctio to the U.S.A., Dispensation from the Form for the Celebration of Marriage Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
901 CCEO Orientalium Ecclesiarium, N. 4: Obligation to Retain Proper Rite Roman Replies 2015, pp. 21-22
902 CCEO John Ii, Ap. Letter on the Fourth Centenary of the Union of Brest, November 12, 1995 Canon Law Digest 1991-1995
748; 1087; 1359; 1372 CCEO Clarification of Motu Proprio Mitis et misericors lesus Roman Replies 2016, pp. 20-23
1359 CCEO Local Latin Tribunal Competent to Hear Marrlage Nullity Cases of Members of the Chaldean Church Roman Replies 2005, pp. 31-33
748; 1087; 1359; 1372 CCEO Clarification of Motu Proprio Mitis et misericors lesus Roman Replies 2016, pp. 20-23
1359 CCEO Local Latin Tribunal Competent to Hear Marrlage Nullity Cases of Members of the Ukrainian Catholic Church Roman Replies 2006, pp. 39-41
1066; 1067; 1668 CIC / 1372 § 2 CCEO Prorogation of Competence Roman Replies 2011, pp. 30-34
748; 1087; 1359; 1372 CCEO Clarification of Motu Proprio Mitis et misericors lesus Roman Replies 2016, pp. 20-23
1342; 1717; 1722 CIC / 1468; 1473 CCEO Circular Letter to Assist Episcopal Conferences in Developing Guidelines for Dealing with Cases of Sexual Abuses of Minors Perpetrated by Clerics Roman Replies 2011, pp. 35-41
1342; 1717; 1722 CIC / 1468; 1473 CCEO Circular Letter to Assist Episcopal Conferences in Developing Guidelines for Dealing with Cases of Sexual Abuses of Minors Perpetrated by Clerics Roman Replies 2011, pp. 35-41

Other Legal Sources

1395 § 2 CIC / Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela Accusation Predating Entrance into Clerical State Roman Replies 2010, pp. 52-53
Pastor Bonus n. 108 § 1 Apostolic Visitation of Wornen Religious in the United States Roman Replies 2009, pp. 55-56
56 CIC / Sacramentum sanctitatis tutela Notification of Priest of Dispensation from Priestly Obligations Including Celibacy Roman Replies 2009, pp. 5-11
Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela Processing Cases of Gravoria Delicta Roman Replies 2010, pp. 63-65
290 CIC / Special Faculties for the Congregation for the Clergy Loss of the Clerical State and Dispensation from Sacred Celibacy and All the Obligations Connected with Sacred Ordination Roman Replies 2012, pp. 18-20
850 CIC / Rituale Romano The Validity of Baptisms Administered with Words Other Than Those Prescribed in the Approved Liturgical Books in Cases That Do Not Involve Urgent Necessity Roman Replies 2020, pp. 28-36
1478; 1481; 1505; 1508; 1545 CIC / Dignitas connubii 97; 101; 127 Regarding Citation of a Violent Respondent Roman Replies 2020, pp. 42-44
1548 CIC / Vos estis lux mundi Reporting Accusations and Privacy Issues Roman Replies 2020, pp. 45-46
Pastor Bonus art. 123 § 1 Recourse to the Apostolic Signatura Roman Replies 1997, pp. 27-31
1478; 1481; 1505; 1508; 1545 CIC / Dignitas connubii 97; 101; 127 Regarding Citation of a Violent Respondent Roman Replies 2020, pp. 42-44
1478; 1481; 1505; 1508; 1545 CIC / Dignitas connubii 97; 101; 127 Regarding Citation of a Violent Respondent Roman Replies 2020, pp. 42-44