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Changes to the canons of the CIC1917

The changes made after Vatican II are not indicated in this list.

a) ordered by canons

CanonType of changeDocument which has changed the canon
can. 1099 § 2 New text Pius XII, Motu Proprio Decretum Ne temere, of 01.08.1948
can. 2319 § 1, 1° New text Pius XII, Motu Proprio Ecclesiae bonum, of 25.12.1953
can. 240 § 3 Change of the norm, without changing its text John XXIII, Motu Proprio Cum gravissima, of 15.04.1962
can. 236 § 3 Abrogation John XXIII, Motu Proprio Ad suburbicarias dioeceses, of 10.03.1961
can. 858 Change of the norm, without changing its text Pius XII, Apostolic Constitution Christus Dominus, of 06.01.1953
can. 808 Change of the norm, without changing its text Pius XII, Apostolic Constitution Christus Dominus, of 06.01.1953

b) ordered by documents

Document Canones
Pius XII, Motu Proprio Decretum Ne temere, of 01.08.1948 1099 § 2
Pius XII, Apostolic Constitution Christus Dominus, of 06.01.1953 808; 858
Pius XII, Motu Proprio Ecclesiae bonum, of 25.12.1953 2319 § 1, 1°
John XXIII, Motu Proprio Ad suburbicarias dioeceses, of 10.03.1961 236 § 3
John XXIII, Motu Proprio Cum gravissima, of 15.04.1962 240 § 3